Muslim Teenager Who Bit an Officer When She was Arrested for Wearing a Burka Appears in Court in Burka

Daily Mail
October 26, 2013

A French teenager who was sentenced for biting a police officer while being arrested for wearing a niqab has appeared in court at her appeal hearing with the veil on.

Louise-Marie Suisse was stopped by two police officers near a mosque in the centre of Marseille in late July, for wearing a niqab – full-face veil – in breach of a ban introduced in 2011.

The court heard the 18-year-old refused to cooperate with the police when asked to produce identity papers.

The prosecutor had pushed for a six-month suspended sentence but the judge went further.

He gave Suisse a six-month jail sentence to be suspended after four months.

Suisse turned up for the original hearing in 2012 in a full-body black niqab, but with her face uncovered.

France has outraged many Muslims with its law against full veils, which came into force in April 2011 and bans covering a person’s face in public.

Violations are punishable by a fine of up to 150 euros (£128) or mandatory citizenship training.

Police have four hours to consider whether an offender should be fined.

The ban includes all garments which cover the eyes, although scarves, hats, and sunglasses are excluded.

These people are so sickening.
These people are so sickening.
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