NASCAR Driver Kyle Larson Rehired Six Months After Having Been Fired for Saying the N-Word on Stream

The political correctness machine was kicked into seventh gear, and now it has overloaded. We are preparing to experience a correction. The correction might have already started.

NASCAR driver Kyle Larson got fired for saying that one word that you’re never supposed to say on a livestream in April while playing video games.

But that isn’t a big deal anymore.

Companies are realizing it isn’t a big deal.

CBS Sports:

Kyle Larson signed a multi-year deal on Wednesday to drive the No. 5 for Hendrick Motorsports beginning in 2021 with Cliff Daniels set to serve as his crew chief. The team explained in a statement that they are rebranding the No. 88 currently driven by Alex Bowman, who is set to take over Jimmie Johnson’s No. 48 next season. Hendrick has not fielded the No. 5 since 2017, when Kasey Kahne was with the team.

Entering the 2020 season, the vacancy at HMS was considered the top ride in NASCAR and Larson, by all accounts, was the favorite to fill the seat. However, Larson’s career was derailed in April following the use of a racial slur in an online iRacing event, which was aired to the public. Larson was subsequently terminated from Chip Ganassi Racing and suspended indefinitely by NASCAR. He was reinstated by NASCAR on October 19th

“Mr. Hendrick is one of the people who extended a hand to me over the past six months,” Larson said in a team release. “Our initial conversations were not about racing. He cares about me as a person and wants to see me succeed beyond driving. I can’t put into words how grateful I am for the commitment, the faith and the confidence from him and everyone at Hendrick Motorsports.”

Based Rick Hendrick.

You say the n-word on TV and this incredible gentleman calls you up to be friends and mentor you.

The Times are Changing

There are big implications to companies no longer paying homage to this new morality.

In 2017, PewDiePie said the n-word while playing video games and probably lost millions of dollars. It totally changed the course of his career.

Sean Vanaman of Campo Santo went full ultra mega mondo morality policeman. It’s suspected that he was masturbating while he typed, as he was so aroused by his own metahuman-level morality.

Flashforward to 2020, and the money men are running the numbers and finding that actually, no one cares if someone says that word, and in fact, most people think it’s funny.

It turns out the whole threat of racism hurting your business is a paper tiger. Maybe if you run a company that makes gay anal dildos it’s bad for business, but if it’s video games and NASCAR, literally no one cares.

This is a new decade. We will soon look back on the 2010s, and consider it a mass delusion that people thought that NASCAR fans would stop supporting the organization because someone dropped an n-bomb. I’m certain that NASCAR lost more from banning the guy for six months than they ever could have from the fact he said it.

Part of it is decadence on the part of the companies themselves. Seriously: read those texts from Vanaman. He might as well have responded to the PewDiePie n-bomb by posting a video of himself masturbating. Yes, I’m going to make that joke twice. Two times. Because it’s a joke that needs to be made and then made again – this moral grandstanding is an act of pleasuring oneself. It’s totally self-indulgent.

For those who don’t know, Vanaman made the 2012 Telltale game “The Walking Dead.” It was about a black guy giving his life to care for a young white girl who he allegedly wasn’t sexually involved with during the zombie apocalypse.

He then made Firewatch through his own company, Campo Santo. I can’t imagine that PewDiePie actually played Firewatch very often. Vanaman seemed to just be rushing in to loudly proclaim how good and moral he is.

The incredible thing is that it costs absolutely nothing to go out there and talk about how moral you are. Historically, morality was associated with personal self-discipline and willingness to sacrifice. Anti-racism is a morality that actually hurts other people. Sean Vanaman is I’m sure doing pretty good in terms of money, so he can afford to live away from diversity. Meanwhile, the morality that he promotes destroyed the place where I grew up. Humans can’t live there anymore – Dublin, Ohio has been taken over by Somalians and Mexicans and the place is filthy and disgusting. That means nothing to Sean Vanaman – all he cares about is feeling good about himself.

Here’s the other thing: everyone knows that it’s all fake. At least all intelligent people know that it’s fake. These people just go around repeating these slogans and making all of these grand gestures, but they know they don’t actually believe it, so they must know that all the people praising them for being so moral don’t believe it either.

Someone could fake being a Christian. He could act like he’s pious, when actually, he’s cruising for gay sex every weekend. He could get praise that he doesn’t deserve. But it would be a genuine scam, in that he would be faking something that was real to other people. In Christian times, being a good Christian actually meant something to people. Furthermore, it had a purpose: every element of Christian morality is designed to strengthen the society as a whole.

This new morality is entirely fake and manufactured, in that the only purpose of it for the people involved is to grandstand about how moral they are. No one actually believes in the anti-racist morality, because no one even knows what racism is, because it doesn’t actually exist. Anti-racist morality is to Christian morality what gay sex is to normal sex: the entire content of the thing is stripped from it, and all you are left with is dirty pleasure.

New Morality as a Corporate Suicide Pact

The new morality doesn’t cost anything for an individual to be involved in it, but when it comes to companies really pushing this stuff, they are going to lose money.

In order for people to do this moral masturbation in a professional setting, everyone has to be doing it.

Ironically, the Bitcoin exchange Coinbase, from which I am banned, is one of the first companies in Silicon Valley to come out and say that they’re not doing the SJW bit anymore.

CEO Brian Armstrong wrote:

The reason is that while I think these efforts are well intentioned, they have the potential to destroy a lot of value at most companies, both by being a distraction, and by creating internal division. We’ve seen what internal strife at companies like Google and Facebook can do to productivity, and there are many smaller companies who have had their own challenges here. I believe most employees don’t want to work in these divisive environments. They want to work on a winning team that is united and making progress toward an important mission. They want to be respected at work, have a welcoming environment where they can contribute, and have growth opportunities. They want the workplace to be a refuge from the division that is increasingly present in the world.

It makes sense that the Coinbase policy of closing people’s accounts for vague political reasons would be a pretty serious problem for the company. I don’t know if it’s still the case now (and please – don’t try it), but the policy was that if you tried to send Bitcoin to Daily Stormer from Coinbase, they not only blocked the transaction, but shut down the account. That’s a big deal if someone is using the BTC address associated with the account, because if you lose control of that address, any money that goes to it in the future goes to Coinbase.

No one can possibly trust a company that operates like that. You can run a company with no trust if it’s a monopoly, but if you have competitors, you rely on people being able to trust you.

All things being equal, regardless of your politics, would you rather:

  1. Do business with a company that randomly shuts down people’s accounts without warning for vague political reasons
  2. Do business with a company that doesn’t do that?

It’s probably going to be a pretty easy call for most people.

Other companies are flipping out about Armstrong’s statement.

Brad Garlinghouse of Ripple said that corporations have an “obligation” to force this morality on people.

“We think about our mission as enabling an internet of value but we seek positive outcomes for society,” Garlinghouse told CNBC. “I think tech companies have an opportunity — but actually an obligation — to lean into being part of the solution.”

I wrote some months ago that the vision of the future that these people are working on is one where corporations function like feudal barons, and instruct their peasants, who not only work for them, but live in their pod systems, eat their bug paste, and ingest their exclusive copyrighted psychotropic drugs, in morality.

But if companies start saying, “look, we’re not doing the morality thing, we’re just running a company and doing the company mission, we’re providing goods and services and making money,” then the companies who keep pushing the morality line are going to fall behind.

Maybe it’s just Coinbase and NASCAR. Maybe this isn’t a trend. We don’t know yet.

What we do know is this: the current thing that is going on in society is unsustainable, and everyone knows it is. There is going to be some kind of push by some people to correct this. It’s probably too late to correct it, but it is possible.