Negro Caregiver Sodomizes Autistic Man, Giving Him a Potentially Deadly STD

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2018

Sterling Jordan.

Negros are almost as much of a biohazard as your standard faggot.

Virtually all of them have some kind of disease.

Black faggots are pretty much zombies (dumb and a virtually 100% chance of spreading some kind of sickness if they catch you).

Frankly, I’m surprised that police don’t arrest Blacks while wearing CDC approved PPPS.

Union Leader:

A potentially life-threatening sexually transmitted disease has been identified as a deadly weapon in an indictment issued in connection with the rape of an autistic man.

According to a police affidavit, Sterling Jordan, 39, of Manchester was the live-in caregiver of a 26-year-old man, who called his mother right after being attacked. She notified police and said her son has the mental capacity of a 15-year-old.

Jordan, of 39 Mead St., has been charged with reckless conduct with a deadly weapon, a Class B felony. He also faces felony rape charges.

“Certainly it’s serious. Any aggravated felonious sexual assault is serious. Its seriousness, obviously, is reflected in the potential punishment,” said Hillsborough County Attorney Dennis Hogan, whose office is prosecuting the case.

According to a financial affidavit filed by Jordan, he worked for Community Integrated Services, a Manchester-based company that offers day programs, residential services and community support for people with developmental and other disabilities. Their website says they provide staff to care for people with disabilities in their homes.