Negro Robs Dollar Store with a Knife

Daily Stormer
August 1, 2018

Could “these people” at least try to be interesting with their crimes?

I’m pretty sure we’re all getting bored reading about normal every day niggardry.

Delmarva Now:

There were two female employees inside the store, he said, when a masked man walked in displaying a knife and immediately started demanding money, police said. He made contact with one of the employees, while the other was working in the back of the store.

Kaiser said the suspect walked the employee to the cash register and forced her to open it and start removing money. While this was happening, the second employee heard their conversation from the back room and came out to try and assist the other employee.

“At that point in time, the suspect directed his attention to employee two and ordered her to the floor,” he said. “Employee one then continued to remove an undisclosed amount of cash from the register and gave it to the suspect prior to him fleeing the store on foot in an unknown direction.”

Neither of the victims were injured during the incident. They described the suspect as a black male about 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighing about 200 pounds who was wearing a blue zip-up hoodie, gray sweatpants, a black hat, blue gloves and a mesh mask obscuring his face, according to Kaiser.