New German: “I Came Here to Find Peace and was Attacked by Nazis Instead”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2016


Maybe Germans are finally pissed off?

Maybe they’re ready for… a race war?

Daily Express:

Neo-Nazi thugs seriously injured three asylum seekers who had fled war and terror in Iraq to be beaten senseless on the banks of the Elbe River in Dresden.

Ali H., 43, Faisal M., 25, and Sarhan S., 19, were brutally attacked early on Sunday morning after attending the city’s annual festival.

A fourth man, Birhat K., 23, was slightly wounded.

Their attackers yelled the Nazi greeting “Sieg Heil!” and told the men to “f*** off back where you came from.

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Birhat said he was taking photos of the brightly lit walkway by the river in the old baroque city when a group of neo-Nazis wearing Dynamo Dresden football club clothing set upon them.

He said; “We were jumped from behind and fists rained down on us. One of my friends is still in hospital. I don’t trust coming out at night any more and I want to get as far away from Dresden as I can.”

Hey yo dude I just checked the map and you know what’s really, really far from Dresden?



And get this: there are zero Neo-Nazis there.

The men are from the Yazidi minority in northern Iraq which was overrun at a great cost in life by Isis in March 2015.

Birhat K. added; “I came here to find peace and was attacked by Nazis instead.”

Okay but you still got all that welfare and the free blonde women you were promised, right?