New Jersey: Female Special Ed Teacher Arrested After Having Sex with Student

Allison Havemann-Niedrach

A middle-aged teacher having sex with a high school boy?

This is really a man bites dog type story, huh?

New York Post:

A New Jersey special education teacher was charged with molesting one of her students, authorities said.

Allison Havemann-Niedrach, a 43-year-old special education teacher at Freehold Intermediate School, was hit with one count each of first-degree aggravated sexual assault and second-degree child welfare endangerment, Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond Santiago said Saturday.

The Jackson resident was arrested earlier this week after an investigation by the MCPO Special Victims Bureau and Freehold Police Department revealed that Havemann-Niedrach allegedly began sexually abusing her student earlier this year, Santiago said.

The prosecutor’s office did not say how many times Havemann-Niedrach assaulted her pupil or how authorities learned about the abuse. The student’s age is also unknown, but grades six through eight attend Freehold Intermediate School.

So, was he retarded, or just autistic? I don’t know what “special ed” means anymore.

I’ve already said all I need to say on this issue.

I’m just keeping you updated.

Also, cataloging the ages/faces of the women.

Also, pointing out that they just keep doing it, and recording evidence on their phones, even though it is in the media every single day that some bitch is getting caught.