New “Jewish State” Legislation: Netanyahu’s Ultimate Racial Hypocrisy

David Duke
May 3, 2014

The announcement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he will “introduce legislation that will enshrine the country’s status as the nation-state of the Jewish people” has once again underlined the Jewish Supremacists’ ultimate racial hypocrisy of demanding for themselves what they vehemently deny for everybody else.


According to several news reports, Netanyahu, speaking in Israel’s Independence Hall site in Tel Aviv, announced that he “will promote a Basic Law that will define Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.”

Currently, Israel defines who is a Jew in terms of its “nationality” legislation. In the registering of “nationality” on Israeli Teudat Zehut (“identity card”), a person had to meet the halakhic, or traditional Jewish law definition to be registered as a “Jew”.

According to the Jewish website, the Jewish Virtual Library, under its section “Who is a Jew According to Halacha (Jewish Religious Law)?”, the halachic definitions as set by Orthodox and Reform Judaism vary slightly, but all are based primarily on descent, and therefore genetics.

According to Reform Judaism, a person is a Jew if they were born to either a Jewish mother or a Jewish father.

According to the Orthodox Judaism, the father’s religion and whether the person practices is immaterial. No affirmation or upbringing is needed, as long as the mother was Jewish.

In Netanyahu’s latest comments, he said that “The [Israeli] Declaration of Independence sets, as the cornerstone in the life of the state, the national Jewish identity of the state of Israel.

“To my great regret, as we have seen recently, there are those who do not recognize this natural right. They seek to undermine the historic, moral and legal justification for the existence of the state of Israel as the national state of our people.”

According to coverage of his speech in the Israeli Haartez newspaper, Netanyahu also said that:

“It is impossible to speak out in favor of a Palestinian nation-state just to preserve the Jewish character of the State of Israel, and at the same time, to oppose recognizing that the State of Israel is the nation-state of Jewish people, Supporting the creation of a Palestinian nation-state and opposing the recognition of a Jewish nation-state undermines in the long run the principle of the State of Israel’s right to exist,” he said.

In other words, what Netanyahu is intending to set in stone is that Israel is, and should always be, a state for Jews where they can live among their own people, culture and traditions.

Indeed, any people who wish to maintain their own identity, traditions, culture and well-being, are entitled to their own territorial integrity. This by itself is not morally incorrect.

Where however the Zionists become hypocrites over the matter is when:

1. That state is founded upon the exploitation, suppression, dispossession and ethnic cleansing of another people. This may very well have been how states were created in previous centuries, but in the modern day and age, it is outrageously immoral for any people to do such a thing to another nation.

The Zionist Supremacists would be the first to scream “racist” and incite war against any nation which treated Jews the way Israel treats Palestinians—yet they and their controlled media are completely quiet about the agony of the Palestinian people.

2. The Jewish Supremacists in all other countries are the first to oppose any sort of national state for any other people. Time and time again, Jewish Supremacist pressure groups such as the SPLC, ADL and numerous others are at the forefront of often violently resisting all attempts by any other people to assert their identity and territorial integrity.

Thus the demand by Netanyahu for a legalized definition is nothing else but blatant hypocrisy—one law for the hated Goyim, and another law for the Jews.