New Poll: On Super Tuesday, Trump is at 49% Nationally

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 1, 2016

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton greets a supporter following her address at the 18th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum at Columbia University in New York

The newest national poll, commissioned by CNN/ORC, has Trump nearing a majority (full poll data).

Trump is at 49%. Rubio is in second place with 16%, Cruz has 15%.

So much for uniting Cruz and Rubio to stop Trump, huh?

It’s Super Tuesday

Today is the day.

We’ll be doing the live discussion thing on the bbs, as is our tradition. I’ll get the thread up in a few hours.

This will be glorious. The forum has like 20 times more RAM now, so we shouldn’t have the issues we had last time.

You have to bring your own booze, but we provide the keks.