New Poll Shows Trump Crushing It Ahead of Midterms

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 22, 2018

These polls are so fake and gay, I don’t even know that I believe the numbers have changed. At least since Kavanaugh, I doubt they’ve changed.

I think the pollsters are just rolling out more accurate numbers in an attempt to hold onto some credibility.

Fox News:

A new national poll a few weeks before the midterm elections shows the chances of a “blue wave” are far from a slam dunk for the Democrats.

The NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released Sunday shows 48 percent of registered voters would prefer having the Democrats in control of Congress, compared to 41 percent supporting the GOP. That 7-point gap has narrowed from the 12-point gap the Democrats had in September.

The poll also showed President Trump’s approval ratings at their highest yet: 47 percent. The poll showed 49 percent disapprove.

“The current data shows that the Democratic advantage has ebbed but still with a large advantage. And the GOP shows some life,” Democratic pollster Fred Yang, who conducted the poll alongside Republican pollster Bill McInturff and Hart Research Associates, told The Wall Street Journal.

There are other polls coming out saying similar things.

And they’re beginning to roll out a narrative with it, saying that oh yes, Republicans might defy all of modern history and win this midterm.

I think it’s happening.

But once again – I know I’ve said this six million times, but there is no way to say it too many times – you must take the day off of work/school and spend it ferrying people back and forth the the polls. Everyone you know. Hopefully, you got them all registered already.

Do not rely on them to go themselves.

Text them the night before, get a time you can pick them up, then make a schedule that includes everyone. Then spend the whole day doing this, and recognize that you are doing your part to save Western civilization and the white race more generally.