New York Ends Religious Exemption from Coronavirus Vaccine for Healthcare Workers

People ask me about these religious exemptions, or about somehow putting together a medical exemption.

They ask constantly. It’s a big point of discussion in anti-vax circles.

But my answer has always been the same: “it’s possible you can get away with that for a little while, but not very long – they’ve made it clear they are planning on closing all of these loopholes.”


Healthcare workers in the state of New York ordered to get the COVID-19 jab will not have the option of a religious exemption, thanks to emergency authorization passed late last week.

In Thursday’s decision, a New York State Department of Health board unanimously approved a COVID-19 mandate for all New York healthcare personnel.

In passing the measure the board also scrubbed the option for a religious exemption, effectively forcing the more than 450,000 healthcare workers in the state to get the jab whether they have religious objections to the abortion-tainted injection or not.

Under the new rules, no more religious exemptions will be granted, and previously obtained religious exemptions will be invalidated.

The new emergency mandate took effect immediately, and will be subject to review after 90 days.

As noted by Becker’s Hospital Review, the mandate will apply to those working in hospitals, nursing homes, diagnostic and treatment centers, adult care facilities, certified home health agencies, hospices, long-term home health care programs, AIDS home care programs, licensed home care service agencies, and limited licensed home care service agencies.

Personnel subject to the new rules include all employees, members of the medical and nursing staff, contract staff, students, and volunteers, “who engage in activities such that if they were infected with COVID-19, they could potentially expose other covered personnel, patients or residents to the disease,” the Democrat & Chronicle reported.

Employees working in hospitals and nursing homes must get the first dose of their shot by September 27, while employees of other facilities named in the statement must get their first dose by October 7.

Those who refuse to take the injection may be fired.

Yeah, just fire those 450,000 healthcare workers.

People are tired of not being able to drive their cars to work in an office because the streets are blocked by piles of corpses.