New York Times Shutting Down 8 Floors of Offices Due to Shekels Hemorrhage

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2016


Apparently, that quarter billion dollars that Carlos Slim poured into the New York Times wasn’t enough to save such a horrible, failing company.

Daily Mail:

Citing a need to generate revenue and cut costs, The New York Times circulated a memo to its employees on Friday announcing that it would vacate at least eight of the floors that it occupies in its 52-story skyscraper in midtown Manhattan, according to Politico.

The paper’s publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., and its president and CEO, Mark Thompson, informed staff on Friday that it will reconfigure its newsroom and office space so that it could then rent the eight vacated floors.

‘We’ve made the decision to consolidate our footprint across the building to create a more dynamic, modern and open workplace, one that is better suited to the moment,’ the memo read.

‘We’re planning significant investments in a redesign of our existing space in order to facilitate more cross-departmental collaboration. We expect a substantial financial benefit as well. All told, we will vacate at least eight floors, allowing us to generate significant rental income.’

The re-design will effectively eliminate the corner offices that belong to Sulzberger and Thompson, which they noted were ‘vestiges from a different era.’

An era when you could exist without being propped-up by funding from a billionaire with an agenda to push.

An era when you mattered.

While the renovations are done, the newspaper will relocate 400 of its staff to a temporary office space nearby.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.

The New York Times Company, the newspaper’s corporate parent, occupies the 2nd to 21st floors of the building, which is owned jointly by the company and real estate developer Forest City Ratner Companies.

Prior to Friday’s announcement, the Times occupied 628,000 gross square feet of office space.

Last month, the Times reported a sharp decline in revenue from print advertising.

In its quarterly earnings report, the newspaper said its print edition ad revenue fell 18.5 percent. Overall, advertising revenue at the company dropped 7.7 percent to $124.9million.

Executives at the newspaper expect ad revenue to continue to decline, though the Times did note with satisfaction that it has seen an increase in the number of digital subscribers.

Nonetheless, the newspaper has implemented a series of cost-cutting measures in recent years, shrinking the newsroom by laying off staff and closing foreign offices like the one in Paris, according to Politico.

This feels so good, man.


The Jewish media is literally in a state of full collapse.

I mean, you would think they’d want to put this off for a few months, after the election debacle, just to save face. But apparently they can’t afford to put it off.

How humiliating.

As I have said: my goal is to have a Daily Stormer office in midtown Manhattan by end of the Trump reign in 2024 (note that I do hope this isn’t the end of his reign, I’m just using it as a date-marker).

Who knows. Maybe I’ll rent space in the New York Times building.

And some day, I can promise you this: 620 Eighth Avenue will read “Daily Stormer” across the front of it. With a swastika.


This is going to be like a cross between Mad Men and Triumph of the Will. In the age which is dawning, sieg heiling will be requisite and you will be able to sue secretaries for reverse sexual harassment if they complain about getting their asses slapped.

And we’re getting rid of Schnipper’s. We’re replacing it with something that serves pork.

I’m not even joking.

I set goals and I accomplish them. I haven’t failed yet. There is no such thing as being too ambitious.

We are now the biggest pro-white publication in history. Before I die (or maybe after, doesn’t matter), we will be the biggest publication, period.

This ride never ends.

We will take Manhattan.