New Zealand: 25-Year-Old Rugby Player Killed Suddenly by Medical Event

Why did they blur out the child’s face when the guy is not accused of a crime? I thought you only blurred a child’s face when the person was a bad guy, so you don’t associate the child with the guilt of the bad guy? Are children’s faces just banned now because it’s assumed everyone is a homosexual pedophile? Isn’t that homophobic? 

I remember athletes being killed by medical event when I was in college.

I went to OSU, and one time they had to cancel the football team (big time team) because every other day medical event was killing someone.

Medical event also snuck into the lounge and single-handedly gang-raped the entire cheerleading squad while saying “hoo-ah” like Al Pacino in that movie where he’s a blind retard.

One of the cheerleaders recalled: “The rape was the best part – the worst was that medical event kept using that slogan from that weird movie. The middle part is that he was blasting Gin Blossom on his Panasonic boombox.”

It’s also possible that didn’t happen and Pfizer is using microwave weapons to beam false memories into my brain. If that is the case, then I sure as damn hell hope Pfizer is working on a vaccine for false memories.


Otago Highlanders outside back Connor Garden-Bachop died on Monday following a medical event, New Zealand Rugby said. He was 25.

Garden-Bachop, who made his Highlanders debut in 2021, was on the team’s roster this season but parted ways with the Super Rugby Pacific club after their campaign finished in the quarter-finals.

He thanked the Highlanders on social media last week for an “unforgettable five years.”

New Zealand Rugby and the Highlanders paid tribute to Garden-Bachop on Tuesday in a joint statement with the New Zealand Maori Rugby board and the country’s players’ association.

“All of rugby walks alongside the Garden-Bachop family at this time and we are collectively united in our grief,” the statement said.

“Connor was a fantastic young player, an exciting New Zealand age-grade representative and a proud Māori All Black.

He doesn’t look all black. He doesn’t even look part black. This is some kinda Shaun King shit going on here.

“Wherever he played, he was a committed and popular team mate with infectious energy and someone who could light up the room.

“Most importantly, he was a loving father to his twin girls, a brother, a son and immeasurably loved by all those who knew him.”

Yeah, it’s sort of cliche at this point to talk about “loving family” in relation to people killed by medical event. Back in my day, when medical event killed someone, the news would say that his family hated him. The articles were quick and to the point, something like:

Medical event killed 22-year-old field-goaler name of Jerry. They all said he was big into popsicles. His father said he always assumed his son liked popsicles so much because he was a closeted faggot. His mother admitted to trying to drown him in the bathtub two separate times, once when he was three and then she did it again when he was 14. His wife said she’s glad he’s dead. Medical event did not immediately respond to a request for comment. But then later he responded and said “hoo-ah!”

Brought to you by Pfizer.

New Zealand has one of the highest vax rates in the world

Snake Baker contributed to this article.