Nigerian Prince Fails to Conclusively Prove He’s the Original, Not the Clone

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 4, 2018

Folks, what we’ve got here is the classic “clone conundrum.”

And until it’s resolved, people are going to suffer.


Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari issued a defiant rejection of rumors that he had died and secretly been replaced by a clone during remarks in Poland on Sunday.

Buhari is in the eastern European nation to attend a climate change conference, though he stopped for an event geared toward the Nigerian public on Sunday.

Buhari made the remarks during an open question session in which aides read him questions from the Nigerian public. Nigerian social media has recently been home to a vigorous debate on whether the 75-year-old Buhari, prone to long absences from the country to receive unspecified medical care, died long ago and was replaced with “Jibril,” a clone from Sudan. Some rumors identify Jibril as a Chadian replacement for the Nigerian president. Few provide any details regarding who did the cloning and how they successfully managed to create a 75-year-old man during Buhari’s absence last year.

Now, as far as I’m aware, they did not administer the “only something the real Buhari would know test” on the Nigerian Prin – er I mean President.

“A lot of people hoped that I died during my ill health. It is real me… I will soon celebrate my 76th birthday and I will still go strong,” Buhari said in Poland in response to the question. Buhari referred to those spreading the rumors as “ignorant” and “irreligious.”

Buhari’s response is the highest-level denial of the claims he had died, but not the first. Nigeria’s Minister of Information Lai Muhammad told reporters that the claims were “idiotic.”

“I don’t see any serious government responding to that,” Muhammad added, arguing that Buhari “remembers memos he had seen or heard about in 1985 and we say he is cloned.”

Buhari took control of the country in a coup from late 1983 to 1985, himself removed by coup, before becoming the first president to assume the head of Nigeria’s government after a free election in 2015. Nigerian officials insist that Buhari still cites and remembers details of government affairs from the time that he ruled the country. 

Hmm. I guess they did run the standard clone check.

But there are some more advanced tests that can be run.

I’m not sure that the Nigerians are aware of the counting dots under the eye trick – but I think if someone persuasive who reads this site and who lives in Lagos, Nigeria were to present the Nigerian President with the facts – the Nigerian government might be very grateful and grant honorary “Grand Poobah” status to said… enterprising individual.

And honestly, if you ask me, why not help the Nigerian people figure out if their ruler is the real deal or not? No one wants to be ruled over by clones, right?

Well, me personally, I wouldn’t really mind actually.

But only because I rank being ruled by a clone on a scale where being ruled by Jews and being ruled by women are also options. Frankly, being ruled by a clone of a good leader for perpetuity seems like a good deal. Why fix what isn’t broken, you know? Good leaders are hard to come by, so just keep cloning the good ones, I say.

We can even bring back the ones that are long departed to help us… water the tree of Liberty if you follow my drift lol.