No Death Sentence for Somali Pirate, Free Food and Board Instead

Washington Times
November 14, 2013

We should never have taught them how to use boats.

A Somali pirate was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison without parole for his role in the shooting deaths of four Americans aboard their yacht off the coast of Africa.

Chief District Judge Rebecca Beach Smith ordered Ahmed Muse Salad to serve 21 life sentences in all, 19 of them consecutively, saying the hefty sentence would serve as a deterrent to other pirates. Prosecutors had originally sought the death penalty, but a federal jury refused that sentence.

Salad was one of three Somalis convicted of kidnapping, hostage taking and murder in the killing of the Americans aboard their 58-foot yacht, among other things.

Salad and the others were among 19 who boarded the yacht in hopes of taking the Americans back to Somalia so they could be ransomed for millions of dollars. The plan fell apart when the U.S. Navy began shadowing the boat. Sailors had told the pirates they could keep the yacht and a small Navy boat in exchange for the hostages, but the pirates refused to take the deal because they didn’t believe they would get enough money. Furthermore, the only person authorized to negotiate the Americans’ release was based on land in Somalia.

scott and jean adam
Scott and Jean Adam. Jean Adam’s face was ‘shot off’ because a navy boat and a luxury yacht just wasn’t a enough for the pirates.

With the yacht nearing the Somali coastline, the destroyer USS Sterett began maneuvering between the Quest and the Somali shore when a rocket-propelled grenade was fired at it. Soon after, gunshots were fired on board the Quest.

The yacht’s owners, Jean and Scott Adam of Marina del Rey, Calif., and their friends, Bob Riggle and Phyllis Macay of Seattle, were the first Americans killed in a wave of pirate attacks that have plagued the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean in recent years.

Prosecutors said Salad was among a group of more aggressive pirates aboard the yacht and repeatedly fired his AK-47 at the Americans, returning to fire more shots after the initial volley of fire had ended.

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