Nog Driving Possibly Stolen Car Shot Dead by Police After He Tried to Run Them Over

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2018

Diante Yarber.

The Jew media is trying to make this thug look like a gud boi who dindu nuffin obviously.

They’re trying to find a new Trayvon to cause another nog riot epidemic.


Diante Yarber, a 26-year-old father of three, was behind the wheel of a black Ford Mustang when Barstow police officers fired more than 30 rounds into the vehicle earlier this month.

Little’s anguish comes as video emerged showing officers repeatedly firing into the vehicle on April 5. They responded to a call “regarding a suspicious vehicle” after a car was reported stolen earlier, according to the Barstow Police Department.

When the officers arrived to perform a traffic arrest at the store’s parking lot, officers exited their cars and “commanded the driver to exit his vehicle,” according to a Barstow Police Department release.

Police say Yarber — who was in the vehicle with three passengers, all of whom survived — “accelerated forward toward the officers, and then accelerated in reverse towards officers and striking another patrol vehicle,” according to the release.