Non-White Gangs Posing as Police and Fleecing Elderly White Victims of Their Savings

Daily Stormer
September 17, 2014

He is no help to you Mr Plod, it’s thanks to him that your grandparents just got mugged.

Thanks to diversity quotas in the Police, these animals have been able to do this all over the country, posing as Police officers and then fleecing elderly White people out of all their savings.

If we still had an all White Police force, then crimes like this would not even be possible.

From the South of England:

Kent Online:

Fraudsters dressed as police have conned an elderly couple into handing over money from their bank account.

The couple from Ditton, near Aylesford, were tricked after receiving a phone call on Tuesday, August 12, from a man asking for help in investigating money laundering.

He requested they withdraw cash from their account to use as evidence, and a courier visited their house to collect the money.

Since then a 63-year-old man and a 82-year-old woman from Maidstone have come forward saying they were also targeted by the scam on Tuesday, August 26.

Police could not reveal exactly how much was taken but on all three occasions quantities of cash were stolen and in at least one case the amount handed over ran into the thousands.

On some occasions after the telephone conversation has ended, the fraudsters stay on the line while their victim calls what they believe to be their bank – only to provide their security details to the caller.

One of the recent Maidstone victims has helped officers produce a computer-generated image of the courier who turned up at his home to collect the cash.

Detective Constable Claire Davey said: “We are now linking these offences and would like to hear from anyone with any information about whom they think may be responsible.

“While this type of fraud has been committed in numerous locations across the UK in recent months, we now believe the same people may be responsible for targeting several different victims in Kent.

E-fit picture of one of the Non-White fraudsters.

From the Midlands:

Leicester Mercury:

A member of a gang that went on spending sprees after conning elderly people out of their bank card details has been jailed.

University student Liban Ismail (21) was part of a gang who posed as police officers and bank staff to trick the victims into handing over their cards and PINs.

Prosecutor Jonathan Cox told Leicester Crown Court that Ismail and his accomplices deliberately targeted three elderly victims in Leicester with the scam.

He said one member of the gang would telephone a victim and pretend to be a police officer calling them about a fraud committed with their card.

The call would then be passed to another member of the gang who would pose as a bank employee, who would take all the relevant details for the card.

Another member of the gang would turn up at the victim’s house posing as a courier to collect the card as part of the fake fraud investigation.

The ‘bank employee’ would then keep the victim talking on the phone as long as possible to give his accomplices time to spend as much as they could on the card before the scam was detected.

Mr Cox said the first victim of the scam, an elderly woman, was called at about 5.30pm and by 6.20pm the gang had spent £3,800 on electrical goods and clothes in Sheffield’s Meadowhall shopping centre.

He said: “CCTV at the centre shows that Ismail was part of the group buying goods with this card.”

The group picked on another victim and spent £20 at a McDonalds in Shrewsbury, but tried to buy goods worth £4,300.

Mr Cox said: “It would appear the victim became suspicious quite quickly and called his bank to stop the card and the transactions were denied.”

A third victim was called and within an hour the gang had spent £2,077 at a shopping centre using her card.

Liban Ismail was given 2 1/2 years for defrauding the elderly.

Mr Cox said that Ismail had committed the offences while on bail after being arrested for other fraud charges in 2013. The court heard he had used cloned or stolen credit cards to pay for loans he got from the Money Shop in Leicester.

Mr Cox said Ismail also fraudulently used a credit card to pay for a two-night stay costing £181 at the Mercure Hotel in Granby Street, Leicester, in July 2013.

Ismail also used a fraudulently obtained credit card to try to pay £1,350 towards a £6,000 bill for accommodation to the student union letting department of De Montfort University.

He was arrested for the pensioners’ credit card fraud after the crimes were reported and CCTV matched to the time and day of the shops they were used at.

Ismail, of Kelbrook Close, Beaumont Leys, Leicester, pleaded guilty to 10 charges of fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud between February last year and March this year.

He asked for three other similar offences to be taken into consideration.

He was sent to prison for two and half years.

Charles Myatt, defending, said his client, who was a student at Coventry University, had got into debt.

He said: “He was far from the mastermind of this scam.

“He was in a desperate situation and these were the actions of a desperate man.

“He used a car that could be traced to him to pick up the cards from the elderly victims. He was always going to be caught.”

The judge, Recorder Adrian Reynolds, told Ismail: “There are many young people these days, especially students, who are substantially in debt.

“They do not do what have done.

“This was a cunning and carefully thought out criminal enterprise to extract the details from elderly people who could be phoned up and conned into giving details over the phone.

“This was the deliberate targeting of the most vulnerable members of our society.”

The court heard that it was not known how the gang got the details of the pensioners targeted.

Three of the gang have not yet been identified.

Our youngest are being raped and our eldest are being attacked and robbed in their own homes, how much more will it take, before we see the light and expel every last one of this vermin from within our midst?

These creatures that steal from our elderly have no honor whatsoever.