Non-White Squirts Bleach at 12-Year-Old Girl After Grabbing Her From Behind

This is Cornwall
November 28, 2013

Police are looking for a man of ‘Mediteranean’ appearance.

Police are continuing their search for a man who grabbed a Bodmin student and splattered her with bleach yesterday morning.

The 12-year-old girl was walking to the bus stop in Whitestone Road at around 8.40am when she was grabbed from behind by a man opposite the flats to the Kinsman estate.

He was holding a yellow bottle which police believe contained a bleach-based liquid.

She pulled her hand away causing the bottle to fall. In doing so the liquid fell onto her trousers and stained them.

The girl’s mum said today that her daughter was recovering from her ordeal.

“She’s still very shaken by what happened.

“ She managed to wipe the bleach from her clothing straight away, but it proves there are some people out there who are not very nice, and the police have promised to keep me informed about their investigation,’’ she said.

The suspect has been described as being of Mediterranean appearance, around 5ft 5” in height, chubby build, with a dark goatee beard.

He was wearing a red t-shirt or top with short sleeves, black tracksuit bottoms with two white stripes down the leg and a baseball cap.

Anyone with information is asked to call police on 101 quoting BB/13/1910, or alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.