North Korea Gives Trump “American” Hostages Ahead of Summit

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2018

These obviously aren’t “Americans.”

But they were hostages America was demanding.


North Korea has freed three US citizens from prison, according to a tweet from US President Donald Trump.

It is viewed as a goodwill gesture ahead of a historic summit between Mr Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.

Mr Trump said he would greet the men when they return with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who has been in Pyongyang to arrange the planned talks.

Kim Hak-song, Tony Kim and Kim Dong-chu were able to “walk on the plane without assistance”, the White House said.

They had been jailed for anti-state activities and placed in labour camps.

Trump actually is genuinely good at doing this president stuff.

Imagine if he didn’t have the boot of the kikes on his throat.

Just… imagine.