NYC: Kids and Teachers Walk Out of School in Anti-Genocide Protest

This is what I wanted to happen: for the college protests to spread to high schools.

We want these protests everywhere. We want the whole country up in arms about the US government’s obsession with killing children in Gaza.

It’s already happening.

We are on the road to victory against the Jews.

New York Post:

Hundreds of New York City kids walked out of school Friday and staged a pro-Palestinian protest that was promoted by several radical teacher groups.

Some 350 students had descended on the Department of Education headquarters at the Tweed Courthouse in Lower Manhattan starting by 4 p.m..

They were seen waving signs on the front steps of the building calling for a cease-fire in Gaza and describing Israel’s military offensive on the region following the Oct. 7 terror attack as “genocide.”

The walkout was organized by Teachers Unite and a handful of other groups, including NYC Educators for Palestine, the Palestine Youth Movement, Al-AWDA NY, Movement of MORE Rank-&-File Educators, and Desis Rising Up and Moving, according to a protest toolkit viewed by The Post.

I’m fighting for humanity, I don’t care what they do,” said another student from Stuyvesant High School, describing how they didn’t care about being punished by school brass for walking out.

The purpose of the walkout was to protect anti-Israel students and teachers “from unjust administrative retaliation and suspension,” Teachers Unite wrote online.

Teachers Unite also called for the city to redirect funding from policing and to implement lessons about Palestinian history in schools.

The kids are alright.

This is a movement and it is rising and there is nothing the Jews can do about it.

The one weapon in their arsenal is to just keep sending in the cops to beat the shit out of anyone who criticizes Jews.

But there are a lot more of us than there are of them.

Keep the faith, brothers and sisters.

You can’t zip-tie the revolution.