NYT Shocked to Find That Opioid Dealers with Credentials Operate Like Opioid Dealers Without Credentials

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 18, 2019

Meanwhile, in America…

It’s not surprising to any non-Jew that opioid dealers with credentials operate the same as opioid dealers without credentials.

Obviously, the entire purpose of OxyContin was to encourage recreational use and addiction. Otherwise, there would have been no need to invent it, because a significantly less addictive strong opiate already existed in the form of morphine.

There was no serious pain issue that couldn’t be dealt with using morphine. And OxyContin was being prescribed for things that had previously been dealt with using even lower forms of opioids such as codeine and Vicodin.

The entire thing was a self-evident racket from the point at which a pharmaceutical company decided to start researching more addictive painkillers. The fact that it made it through FDA approval and was then given to people with sore backs is just completely insane. Every step of this process was predicated on corruption.

And as we know, it was all Jews involved. OxyContin was invented by the Jewish Sackler family, lobbied for by Jews, and approved by the Jewish-run FDA. Most of the doctors that have been arrested for running “pain clinic” pill mills have been Jews.

So of course for the last ten years, the Jewish NYT wasn’t interested in covering the crimes of their cousins.

Now that they have to cover these crimes, because the whole thing has blown up, they are pretending to act surprised.

New York Times:

Last summer, a woman in northern Alabama who law enforcement officials said was a prostitute typed a message to a doctor: “Can u get any Xanax.”

The doctor replied: “What makes you think I know a Xanax source?” Just below, he added a smiley face, and then described his home as the “Fun House.”

The doctor was one of the scores of medical professionals across seven states who were charged by federal prosecutors on Wednesday with schemes to illegally distribute millions of pain pills. Opioid prescriptions were exchanged for sex in some cases, and for cash with an added “concierge fee” in others. One doctor was accused of routinely prescribing opioids to friends on Facebook.

Prosecutors said the doctor in northern Alabama “recruited prostitutes and other young women with whom he had sexual relationships” to become his patients. He also opened his home to people using heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana, they said, in a criminal complaint, adding that police officers had been to the house several times concerning overdoses and other complaints.

Officials called the indictments, which were unsealed in federal court in Cincinnati on Wednesday, the “single largest prescription opioid law enforcement operation in history.”

The indictments accuse 60 people, including 31 doctors, seven pharmacists and eight nurses, of involvement in the schemes, which included prescribing opioids for gratuitous medical procedures like unnecessary tooth pulling. In some cases, prosecutors said, doctors simply handed out signed blank prescription forms.

“These cases involve approximately 350,000 opioid prescriptions and more than 32 million pills — the equivalent of a dose of opioids for every man, woman and child across the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and West Virginia combined,” Brian Benczkowski, an assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department’s criminal division, said at a news conference.

Most of the charges were filed against people in those five states; one person was charged in Pennsylvania and one in Louisiana.

Nationally, more than 70,000 deaths in 2017 were attributed to drug overdoses, with about one-quarter of them caused by prescription opioids. States wholly or partly in Appalachia recorded some of the highest rates of drug overdose deaths that year: West Virginia was first in the nation, Ohio second and Kentucky fifth.

Yes, it’s all white people.

This is all part of the Jewish plan to ethnically cleanse the US of whites.

“The opioid epidemic is the deadliest drug crisis in American history, and Appalachia has suffered the consequences more than perhaps any other region,” Attorney General William P. Barr said in a statement.

Prosecutors accused the medical professionals who were charged Wednesday of conducting a wide range of schemes. Some involved small leagues of doctors and their office staffs, while in other cases, people acted alone, according to the indictments.

Some doctors performed unneeded medical procedures to justify the pills they prescribed, prosecutors said, while others simply passed out prescriptions without going to the trouble of disguising their purpose.

One of the doctors facing charges in Ohio had at one time prescribed more controlled substances than anyone else in the state, prosecutors said. A pharmacy in Dayton, Ohio, was accused of dispensing more than 1.75 million pills. And a nurse practitioner in Tennessee who called himself the Rock Doc was accused of prescribing hundreds of thousands of pills in exchange for sex.

In some cases, the quantity of drugs prescribed to the same patients at short intervals indicated that they could have been taking as many as 15 pills a day, prosecutors said.

The charges announced Wednesday include unlawful distribution of controlled substances and conspiracy to obtain controlled substances by fraud. Prosecutors said that the charges could result in sentences of up to 50 years in prison.

The indictments stem from four months of investigative work by the Appalachian Regional Prescription Opioid Task Force, a group of prosecutors, federal agents and data analysts that was created in December 2018 to find patterns suggesting that doctors were prescribing inordinately high numbers of pain pills, and then follow up with traditional law enforcement techniques, including the use of informants and undercover investigators.

Cases like this have been prosecuted before, including a Justice Department operation last June that resulted in charges against 162 defendants, including 76 doctors, for fraudulently prescribing and distributing opioids. Those cases were handled within the larger health fraud unit at the Justice Department.

The Appalachian task force is different, Mr. Benczkowski said in an interview, because it is aimed at corrupt medical professionals, rather than users, and is “doing it in a region of the country that is probably the hardest hit.”

I assume that Benczkowski is a Jew as well, so he is probably rushing in to charge whichever goy doctors they could find, while letting the Jews who ran the bulk of the racket go free.

Names of the accused have apparently not been released.

The problem has really morphed from OxyContin to heroin to fentanyl over the last decade. So now the Jews can come out against the first stage of the problem they created and tell you about it.

All through the Obama years, this was going on in secret. No one reported on it. It was the White Death, happening outside of the view of the urbanite in rural towns across the Midwest and the South. White urbanites might have cared about it if they knew about it, but Jews made sure they didn’t know about it.

The pill mills are now irrelevant. The fentanyl is extremely cheap and it’s what everyone is taking and it is killing them a lot faster than OxyContin ever did.

In order to fix the problem now, you would need a Duterte-style crackdown, where you sent in death squads to murder dealers and also encouraged the public to murder dealers and ensured them they wouldn’t be prosecuted for doing so.

I would love for every small town in America to wake up every morning with drug dealers with their faces duct taped laid out on Main Street.

A few weeks of that happening and the problem would end.

But of course, we can’t kill drug dealers, because the filthy goddamn Christ-killing Jews won’t let us.

These disgusting and evil kikes go into the Philippines – the single poorest country in Asia which had become a narco-state before Duterte was elected – and try to tell them that they can’t kill drug dealers. Because “human rights.”

Apparently, “human rights” means that your entire family, your entire community, your entire nation, has to be destroyed by drugs, because that is better than being mean to a drug dealer.

“Human rights”: These kids don’t have a father anymore, but at least no one was mean to a drug dealer.

Imagine the nerve of these kikes: “it is sad to kill a drug dealer, because it is mean, so everyone else just has to die.”