NYT: Suburban Retards and Boomers Poised to Desert Trump!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2018

Someone needs to collate all the instances of the NY Times being dead-wrong. 

It’d be fun to have a clip compilation set to some comedic music… like this one:

Or this one:

I still watch those from time to time.

When it comes to Trump, the Times just can’t help but be wrong, because they’re emotionally unhinged and unable to objectively analyze the situation.

New York Times:

Two years ago, the presidential election hinged in large part on a rightward shift among working-class whites who deserted Democrats.

Tuesday’s House election may turn on an equally significant and opposite force: a generational break with the Republican Party among educated, wealthier whites — especially women — who like the party’s pro-business policies but recoil from President Trump’s divisive language on race and gender.

Rather than seeking to coax voters like these back into the Republican coalition, Mr. Trump appears to have all but written them off, spending the final days of the campaign delivering a scorching message about preoccupations like birthright citizenship and a migrant “invasion” from Mexico that these voters see through as alarmist.

In Republican-leaning districts that include diverse populations or abut cities that do — from bulwarks of Sunbelt conservatism like Houston and Orange County, Calif., to the well-manicured bedroom communities outside Philadelphia and Minneapolis — the party is in danger of losing its House majority next week because Mr. Trump’s racially-tinged nationalism has alienated these voters who once made up a dependable constituency.

One of those disenchanted voters is J. Mark Metts, a 60-year-old partner at one of this city’s prestigious law firms. Mr. Metts had never voted for a Democratic presidential candidate until 2016. Now he and some of his neighbors in the moneyed River Oaks enclave of Houston are about to oppose a Republican once again, to register their disapproval of President Trump.

“With Congress not really standing up to Trump, this election is becoming a referendum,” Mr. Metts said, explaining why he would no longer support the re-election of Representative John Culberson, an eight-term Republican.

Mr. Culberson is now running roughly even with the Democratic candidate, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll last week — an extraordinary development in a district that has not elected a Democrat since before an oilman named George H.W. Bush won here in 1966, and one that illustrates how difficult Mr. Trump has made it for his party to retain control of the House.

The president amplified his fear-peddling Wednesday night with an online video that is being widely condemned as racist, showing a Mexican man convicted of killing two California deputies with a voice-over saying “Democrats let him into the country.”

Traditional Republicans warn that Mr. Trump’s conduct is further narrowing his party’s appeal on the eve of the election, catering to a rural base in conservative states like Missouri, North Dakota and Montana that will decide control of the Senate at the possible expense of the Republicans’ House majority and crucial governorships.

So first and foremost:

The most obvious point is that this a midterm, not a Presidential election.

That means the most motivated and partisan voters who actually follow politics and give a shit are the ones who will be voting. If we consider that reality, then Trump is actually wise to cater to his base and energize them heading into the midterms.

Most NPCs can only muster up enough willpower to vote once every four years and only after a massive wall-to-wall TV extravaganza.

So you have to treat the midterms like the primaries. You win the base over before you tack closer to the center in the generals.

Please. Someone get ready to make that compilation.

I don’t want to have to wait ’til 2020 for more salt and tears.