Obama Commutes Sentence of Bradley Manning

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2017

I’m not calling him “Chelsea.”

That issue was clearly the result of the torture he sustained at the hands of the kike ZOG.

Fox News:

President Obama commuted the vast majority of former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning’s 35-year prison sentence for leaking classified documents, the White House announced Tuesday.

The White House said that Manning is one of 209 inmates whose sentences Obama is shortening. Obama is also pardoning 64 people, including retired Gen. James Cartwright, who was charged with making false statements during a probe into disclosure of classified information.

Manning is more than six years into a 35-year sentence at the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas for leaking classified government and military documents to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. Her sentence is now set to expire May 17.

Manning was known as Bradley Manning at the time of her 2010 arrest, but revealed after being convicted of espionage that she identifies as a woman.

Manning accepted responsibility for leaking the material to WikiLeaks to raise public awareness about the effects of war on civilians, and has said she was confronting gender dysphoria at the time of the leaks while deployed in Iraq.

She attempted suicide twice last year, according to her lawyers, citing her treatment at Leavenworth.

Chase Strangio, an American Civil Liberties Union attorney representing Manning, said the president’s action “quite literally save Chelsea’s life.”

“We are all better off knowing that Chelsea Manning will walk out of prison a free woman, dedicated to making the world a better place and fighting for justice for so many,” Stangio said in a statement.

This is Obama trying his best to salvage the disaster that is his Presidency.

Good luck, buddy.

But you’re still just a stupid, filthy nigger criminal.

Same as your nigger son Trayvon or the nigger Chicago four.

Releasing one guy who you totally destroyed psychologically as a part of a torture program doesn’t make you any less of a nigger, nigger.