Olympics: Team USA Queers Attack Mike Pence While He Whines About North Korea

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer

February 10, 2018

Korea is one nation divided into two countries by foreign Great Power politics.

No better testament to this than Mike Pence’s retarded and belligerent behavior as North and South Koreans try to put aside these artificial differences during the Winter Olympics.

The real American tradition is mind-your-own-businessism, but thanks to Jews and sellouts who cemented control in the early 20th century, we are terrorized by malcontents domestically (like LGBTPs) while our government terrorizes other people abroad!

The queers wearing American colors at the Olympics openly attack Pence, he sleeps.

Koreans meet with other Koreans to see if they can finally have some peace, real shit!

The Hill:

The first two openly gay male U.S. winter Olympians are doubling down on their feud with Vice President Pence over his record on LGBTQ rights.

Freeskier Gus Kenworthy posted a photo on Instagram of himself and figure skater Adam Rippon with a caption that calls out Pence, who is leading the U.S. delegation to the 2018 Olympics, by name. Rippon was named to the U.S. Olympic team first, making history as the first openly gay man to represent the country in the Winter Olympics. Kenworthy was named to the team a few weeks later.

“The Opening Ceremony is a wrap and the 2018 Winter Olympic Gaymes are officially under way!” Kenworthy wrote. “I feel incredibly honored to be here in Korea competing for the US and I’m so proud to be representing the LGBTQ community alongside this amazing guy! Eat your heart out, Pence.”

He also used the hashtag “TeamUSGay,” adding American flag and Pride flag emojis.

Kenworthy earlier in February called Pence a “strange choice” and a “bad fit” to lead the U.S. delegation to the Olympics.

“To have somebody leading the delegation that’s directly attacked the LGBTQ community, and a Cabinet in general that just sort of stands against us and has tried to do things to set us back, it just seems like a bad fit,” Kenworthy said.

Rippon has been outspoken about his views on Pence and President Trump, saying in an interview earlier this year that he would decline an invitation to the White House because he doesn’t think he would be “welcome” as a gay athlete.

America has some real serious problems.

When a random homo has the power to publicly chastise the second most powerful elected leader in America thanks only to the fact that he thinks the anus is a sexual orifice, it’s time to stop looking at North Korea.

Compared to our dysfunctional, tyrannical and collapsing empire, North Korea’s comparatively very normal.

If even Mike Pence is too scared to backtalk a disgusting fag from his own delegation and send him home, how vulnerable are we average citizens to the LGBTP movement’s aggressive whims?

A question North Korean’s are privileged enough to not have to think about.