One True Korea Says Infertile Korea, Japan, And America are an “Asian NATO”

Remember that movie Rudy? It was an inspirational film about a boy who was short and stupid but dreamed of going to Notre Dame and playing on the football team. Everyone kept telling him he was a failure, and he should give up, he’s too stupid for college and too small to play football. But then a black janitor believed in him, and then he got on the team and then ended up winning the big game.

Here’s the trailer (because no one actually remembers this movie):

That’s basically the story of Kim Jong-Un trying to be a part of the global conversation, and everyone telling him he could never do it. But he never gave up on his dreams. Then finally, the coach puts him in the game.

Seriously, we got all this AI shit. Someone do a Kim Jong-Un version of that Rudy trailer.

“Sometimes a winner is a dreamer who just won’t quit” is too perfect.

And Putin has to say “are you ready for this, kid?” and Kim answers “I’ve been ready for this my whole life.”

But then instead of playing football he like, nukes Tokyo.

Kim is on the team now.

If the coach puts him in the game, he might just score the winning goal.

The Guardian:

North Korea has criticised a joint military exercise by South Korea, Japan and the US held this month, state media has said, saying such drills show the relationship among the three countries has developed into “the Asian version of Nato”.

On Thursday, the three countries began large-scale joint military drills called “Freedom Edge” involving navy destroyers, fighter jets and the nuclear-powered US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, aimed at boosting defences against missiles, submarines and air attacks.

The exercise was devised at the three-way summit at Camp David last year to strengthen military cooperation amid tensions on the Korean peninsula stemming from North Korea’s weapons testing.

North Korea’s foreign ministry said Pyongyang would not ignore the strengthening of a military bloc led by the US and its allies and would protect regional peace with an aggressive and overwhelming response, according to the KCNA news agency on Sunday.

The ministry also said in a statement that Washington was continuing its effort to link up South Korea and Japan to Nato, adding South Korea’s attempts to supply weapons to Ukraine is one example of that effort.

This is really just basic common sense, said in a high IQ manner.

I’ve never myself actually called the Asian Anal Alliance “Asian NATO.” I think I just called it “the Asian Anal Alliance.”

I would include Taiwan, obviously. And the Philippines (although that’s really sad, because Duterte would have fixed that but he just got too old). Vietnam is still making the decision, apparently. After Korea, Putin went there and got a 21 gun salute. They didn’t arrest him for… evacuating children from a war zone (???).

He got 21 guns, like 2Pac.

“Next time grown folks talking, nigga, close your mouth.”

Putin is kinda like a 70-year-old white 2Pac.

Or no, I think I like the Lord of the Rings analogy better.

Remember when I did the Lord of the Rings analogy? Where Putin is Gandalf, forming an alliance to destroy the Ring of Power? And he’s getting elves and dwarves to work together in the name of protecting Middle-earth from an orc invasion?

Ah, that was a good analogy.

What a damn good analogy that was.

By the way, just so you understand: this Putin-Kim meeting was not casual. They signed a mutual defense pact.

In the analogy, that’s like, agreeing to march into Mordor to destroy the Ring of Power.

Editor’s Note: I think the Rudy thing is actually funnier than the Lord of the Rings thing. But they’re both good and someone needs to do AI trailers.