Organized Beaners Attempt to Jew Virginia’s Governor’s Race

Daily Stormer
October 31, 2017

Update: Latino Victory has already pulled this ad from their YouTube and Twitter, this is a mirror. 

We’re all used to shrieking colored people and Jews reducing all political discussion to the level of a kindergarten special ed class, whether on social media, on the grounds of our educational institutions, and as talking heads on the cable news, so it should come as no surprise that this level of moronic faggotry has metastasized into an actual political ad produced by a beaner political action committee.

This bit of puerile fear-mongering is an open and obvious attack on the GOP nominee for Virginia Governor, Ed Gillespie, President Trump, the Alt Right in general, and by extension, White America.

We see several non-White kids suddenly menaced by a White man driving a pickup truck bearing a Confederate Flag, a Gadsden Flag license plate, and a Gillespie for Governor bumper sticker, and they just intuitively know he is there to run them down in cold blood, per the false narrative the left has created around the death of Heather Heyer. Then, alas, the poor chilluns awake, and Thank God, or Allah, depending on the child, it was just a nightmare. But a perfectly reasonable one. Then a quick cut to the Charlottesville Torch Walk with Gillespie’s name displayed and that’s pretty much it.


This is what these people want the voters to believe actually happens…

In so doing, it takes only a few seconds to connect several things in the minds of low IQ, couch potato viewers: That Southerners, Tea Party conservatives, and GOP voters are all White racists with a bloodlust for killing non-White children, and that Gillespie and Trump not only are okay with this, it is part of their plan.

Before you write this off as a bunch of shrieking from hyper-melanated social justice warriors, take a look at who is behind this. They are well organized, well-funded, and rather sinister.

The video was produced by an organization called “Latino Victory,” (their Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube), and they are a well organized group comprised of Hollywood celebs such as Eva Longoria, and a large array of connected government insiders and career racial agitators.

Latino Victory:

The Latino Victory Fund is a progressive political action committee with the mission of growing Latino political power by increasing Latino representation at every level of government – from the school board to the Senate to the White House. Latino Victory identifies, recruits, and develops candidates for public office while building a permanent base of Latino donors to support them. Partnering with leading organizations, it shapes public discourse in a way that reflects the growing influence of the Latino community while also building cross-constituency alliances that can move the country forward.

What they’re saying is that they want more power in the government, so that Whites have less say in how our country is run.

After all, you can’t have a “Latino Victory” without a “White defeat,” now can you?

Artist’s rendition of a “Latino Victory” about to happen.

Virginia is what’s known as a “purple state,” or a state that can pretty much go either way in any given election. It’s off-year gubernatorial presents the perfect opportunity for a trial balloon like this. If this ad works, this is pretty much all you’re going to see from the left in the 2018 mid-term elections. That makes this a perfect trial balloon for a moneyed anti-White, pro-illegal invasion PAC that seeks to disenfranchise Whites in the nation their forefathers built for them.

A quick perusal of Latino Victory’s Founders, and Staff pages reveal a bunch of, well, Latinos.

But when you go to the Board page, yep, there it is!


Funny how they don’t mention he is also president of the “Jewish Labor Committee.”

Once again we see the International Jew, neck deep in other non-White racial advocacy groups, helping direct them to better work against the interests of the White people who have been foolish enough to let them enjoy the benefits of living in their nations.

So the question remains: Will this work?

A lot of the pundits don’t seem to think so.

But time will tell.

Regardless of what happens, we should take note of the tactics this organization uses when not trying to scare the bejeezus out of their core constituency: Getting our people to run, getting them elected from local and county to state and national offices, registering our people to vote, and making sure they go do it.

It’s time to start getting involved if we hope to bring real American Nationalism to fruition.

If we don’t, America will cease to exist, and quickly.