Oz: African Gangs Roam the Streets

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 23, 2016


Just because slavery happened hundreds of years ago on a different continent doesn’t mean African immigrants to Australia aren’t directly affected by the ramifications of this oppression by Whites.

That’s why they’re acting up and joining these gangs.

There is no other possible explanation, other than that Blacks are genetically hardwired to commit crime, which is totally impossible because genetics don’t exist and every single individual human being is exactly the same in every way.

Daily Mail:

Troubled teens involved with violent gangs would rather steal than work, according to police.

As Victoria is gripped with a surge in underage crime, Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton hosted a summit to tackle youth offending.

The move comes amid a wave of violent crimes linked to the notorious Apex gang, who are made up predominantly of young Sudanese and Somali men.

Speaking with many young offenders, Mr Ashton says they struggle resisting the urge to re-offend.

‘We are finding that we are arresting the same young people again and again and again…We’re hearing it’s easier for them to deal drugs than to deal with the bureaucracy of Centrelink,’

‘For them it’s easier to steal than to work’ Mr Ashton said.

He also said disadvantaged youths reported finding it hard to get work.

Police have arrested more people, especially young teens, in the past 12 months than any other 12 months in the force’s history.

On Thursday, they charged nine Apex gang members aged between 13-17 in connection with a home invasion where numerous cars were stolen in Melbourne’s west.

Apex shot to infamy in March after they were blamed for an infamous riot in Melbourne’s CBD during the Moomba festival.

The gang has risen in line with a spike in serious crimes committed by youths, who are now bypassing petty crime for home invasions and carjackings, and re-offending more often, police say.

The situation has grown so bad that refugee parents have been sending their young children back to their war torn African home countries in hopes of keeping them away from a life of crime.

More than 200 community leaders, government officials and academics met at Thursday’s summit to find ways to stop young offenders becoming career criminals.

Opening lines of communication to young offenders, finding new ways to rehabilitate rather than jail, and better resourcing of youth services were a few of the ideas floated.