OZ: Jew Calls for Anti-Hurt Censorship Laws to Protect Jew Feelings

Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
September 18, 2015

Trust me, goy, I'm selling social harmony
Trust me, goy, I’m selling social harmony

Glen Falkenstein is as kosher as they come. He not only has the most Hebrew sounding name on the planet, but his raging Semitic fire is straight out of the pages of the Talmud.

And it’s in this blistering Jewish spirit that he writes an absurd rant for leftist Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) youth propaganda arm The Drum, demanding Hate Speech Laws and gulags for goyim, because somebody hurt a Jew’s feels, and that reminded him of the Holocaust.

Oh, and he’s got the kosher seal of approval as he comes with the very Yiddish title of ‘Policy Analyst at the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council’. Oy vey.

The NSW Anti-Discrimination Act, since its introduction, has never resulted in a successful prosecution under its racial incitement provision, Section 20D, nor has the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) ever laid a charge under the provision, despite 30 cases being referred by the Anti-Discrimination Board for attention.

The lack of actual effect or demonstrable impact of this legislation in countering hate speech is deeply concerning to ethnic and religious communities all over Australia who rely on government to protect them from vilification and extremism.

By “ethnic and religious communities” read ‘Jewish’.

We now have the 31st consecutive failure to prosecute under these laws, with the recent decision not to charge Hizb ut-Tahrir leader Ismail Al-Wahwah following a complaint filed by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, with the six-month deadline for commencing the prosecution ending this month. In 2013, the DPP indicated that they did not believe that the burden of proof required by the legislation would have been met in any of the then 27 complaints on record that were referred to their office.

In a video uploaded to YouTube, Al-Wahwah said:

The ember of jihad against Jews will continue to burn … tomorrow you Jews will see what will become of you – an eye for an eye, blood for blood, destruction for destruction.

In one of the videos posted, Al-Wahwah also allegedly labelled Jews “the most evil creature of Allah”.

Okay, so the Jew means that it’s OK for his Zionist clan to manipulate patriot goyim through their Q Society, and Australian Liberty Alliance, agitating against the Moslem menace, but when they cop a bit of blowback it demands immediate Soviet-era laws and Talmudic punishments.

The Government has not adopted any of the multiple recommendations and options for reform made by the inquiry. One option advanced by the report to address the burden of proof issue was that for the “avoidance of doubt”, Section 20D be amended to “state that recklessness is sufficient to establish intention to incite”.

The law as it stands does not account for the reckless disregard for public safety and the safety of individuals brought on by the mere proliferation of such statements, which regardless of the speaker’s demonstrable level of intent, clearly represent a callous, irresponsible and wholly reckless indifference to the outcome and effects of such rhetoric. Tragically, as we have seen around the world, the incendiary nature of this speech can have a hugely significant impact on sympathising extremists.

Falkenstein, newsflash: you ARE an extremist — a Jewish extremist!

Any more Jewish and his foreskin would start growing back
Any more Jewish and his foreskin would start growing back

Throughout all the misguided attempts to repeal section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, the fact that some of our racial vilification legislation (as has been highlighted in this case in NSW) is inadequate to combat extremism was unfortunately sidelined, and that legislation needs to be refined and improved.

It’s time to review our racial discrimination legislation, because it’s not working.

No, what’s not working Falkenstein is multiculturalism, and you and your beef with your raghead nemesis are proof of that. You two disgusting spores of Arabland go to Australia, befoul the whole cultural/political makeup — are incapable of not causing strife — and you want tough laws so you don’t hurt one another’s feels.

Hate_speech_by_Latuff2Well, it’s quite simple, Shlomo — take away multiculturalism, and we take away the need for these laws; the need for overpaid non-Australian Race Discrimination Commissioners; ethnic councils; funding for ethnic groups; special needs for migrants in the form of English classes and benefits ’cos they’re both unwilling to and incapable of finding work; and the need to wear a flak jacket and lead two howling pit bulls on leashes because the neighbourhood you grew up in has become a no-go zone for anyone without oily skin.