Oz: Jews Make School Bombproof After White Teenagers Yelled “Heil Hitler” at Them

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 10, 2014

The Yeshiva Centre in Bondi now has a new bomb-proof wall around it, paid for by the tax payer.

Talk about an over reaction.

Recently, some Jewish kids on a bus were teased by some pupils from another school.

But instead of trying to teach the Jewish kids how to avoid being teased, first the parents called the police and demanded an investigation and man-hunt, and now their school has surrounded itself with a thick concrete wall capable of withstanding the force of a car bomb.

Bomb-proof windows have been installed too, with the Australian government paying over half a million dollars towards the extravagant defences.

9 News:

A Jewish school in Sydney’s eastern suburbs has built a concrete wall to protect its students from terror attacks.

The wall was erected in front of the Yeshiva Centre in Bondi — home to a kindergarten-to-Year 12 school, a synagogue and a Jewish youth organisation, News Corp reports.

Director Rabbi Dovid ­Slavin said the wall was designed to withstand the force of a car bomb left outside.

On August 6th, 2014, Detective Superintendent Jason Box called a press conference to confirm that five teenagers had been arrested, for teasing the three Jewish school children.

“We who live in Australia need to be extremely grateful but at the same time we never want to be complacent or irresponsible when dealing with young people’s lives,” he was quoted as saying.

The wall was funded by private donations and $519,000 from a federal government grant, awarded in 2012.

Bombproof ­windows reportedly have also been installed at the centre.

The Rabbi said an incident aboard a Jewish school bus in nearby Randwick last month in which a group of youths shouted hate speech at terrified schoolchildren had heightened fears among the local Jewish community.

The Bondi Yeshiva has also been in the news recently for a child abuse scandal.

The Jews know full well what they deserve for their behavior, and that is why they feel a need to make their schools bomb-proof, not because some teenagers might have said ‘Heil Hitler.’

Daniel Hayman from the Bondi Yeshiva, was recently given a suspended sentence for abusing a 14-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.