Paris Schools Find Solution to Non-White Violence – Meditation Workshops!

Daily Stormer
January 9, 2020

They could’ve wasted money on midnight basketball like they do in America, but the frogs want to fail in their own original way.


Schools in the Paris suburbs of Seine-Saint-Denis are increasing meditation workshops in an effort to reduce the burgeoning problem with violence on campuses in the area.

The workshops, which include the yoga-based relaxation technique sophrology, started in 2015 in various schools across the no-go suburbs and, according to some school officials, the workshops have led to a decrease in violent behaviour, Le Parisien reports.

Sure they have.

It’s preposterous to think they’re just lying, because that never happens.

Cybele Rusé, the principal of ENNA application high school in Saint-Denis, said after the workshops she saw a change in student behaviour saying, “We have fewer incidents, fewer fights. The students are more involved in the life of the school.”

Simon, a professor of mathematics at Fabien college, added, “With sophrology, we have concrete tools to try to defuse certain situations. For example, a student is asked to touch an object in their pocket to try to divert it from their anger.”

What if they don’t have anything in their pockets?

“Sorry bitch, we all lost our keys at the same time”

Even more importantly – why do you need to import creatures that can’t help but punch someone in the face unless you use some shit-tier Jedi tricks on them?

What specific use do they have?

Gaëlle Piton, the meditation coach who spearheaded the programme, explained “Most young people, especially boys, cannot manage their emotions. They are taught to barricade what they feel, not to be weak. But violence is nothing other than an emotion that needs to express itself.”

What the heck does a “meditation coach” actually do?

Even if you actually think this helps with anything – why would you need a “coach” for it?

It seems like literally every day they invent some new makework job for useless catladies who should be at home cooking for their kids/grandkids.

Violence in schools in the Seine-Saint-Denis department, which also boats an illegal migrant population of around 400,000 people, has been a major problem for years going as far back as 2010 when teachers staged a walkout protest due to frequent attacks on campuses including the death of a student that year.

School violence is also seen across the rest of the country, including an incident that took place in the commune of Valence last July that saw four underage migrant-background youths arrested after coming to a private school to “beat whites.”

They only did it because evil racist frogs didn’t give them more money to teach them how to… stand still and not think about anything for a few minutes.

That’s the only problem, you stupid goyim.

This was your fault all along, Whitey