Pathetic Sentence for Hateful Black Who Kicked-in Collapsed White Woman’s Skull

May 18, 2014

Christopher Porter-Bailey was sentenced to a pathetic 6 years for his vicious and cowardly attack.

The images are grainy. The attack was quick and violent. Surveillance tape shot last June 30th during San Francisco’s Pink Saturday celebration shows a young woman lying on a sidewalk being kicked in the head and knocked unconscious, moments after she was robbed by three people.

On Friday, a San Francisco Superior Court judge sentenced 23 year-old Christopher Porter-Bailey, the Oakland man convicted in that vicious attack, to six years in prison.

The 28 year-old victim- “Emily” came to court for the sentencing. She agreed to speak to KTVU if we did not share her last name. She said the first time she saw the graphic video, she didn’t realize it was her being assaulted.

“I couldn’t put the pieces together and as soon I realized it was me in that video, my heart just sank,” Emily said. “I remember a girl came up to me and started to rob me and I remember struggling with her for a little bit and being knocked down to the ground and then I black out.”

The Black bastard was caught on film kicking the woman’s head in as she lay helpless on the ground after being robbed.

Porter-Bailey apologized to Emily in court and said he “prayed” for her forgiveness. He said he’d been intoxicated the night of the attack but added he couldn’t explain why he assaulted her.

In the victim statement Emily read in court, she called Porter-Bailey’s actions “evil” and said she suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and had considered suicide after the attack.

“I have a lot of anxiety and panic attacks especially in social situations,” she told KTVU. “I have a lot of fear of being attacked again and just not having a real sense of safety.”

Two more defendants are set to be sentenced next week.

Emily said she was disappointed that the judge didn’t hand down the maximum sentence of eight years, but said she hoped Porter-Bailey is sincere in his remorse.

“I’m appreciative of what he said. If it’s true remorse, that would’ve been the only question that I would’ve had, like, are you sorry for what you did, and he said he was,” she told KTVU.