People in France Hating on Macron as He Tries to Rule the World

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2018

How can you hate a man with the goodness in his heart to travel the entire world and demand everyone bend to his will?

It’s sad, what has become of France.

Such racism.

I blame Steve Bannon.

Fox News:

French President Emmanuel Macron has presented himself as the international leader defending multilateralism and globalism against the rising forces of nationalism — but at home he is facing a bleaker political outlook and plummeting poll numbers.

The dashing Frenchmen ran for the presidency in 2017 on a platform of pragmatic centrism, mixed with a dash of globalism amid a wave of nationalism sweeping through the continent. His comfortable victory over the nationalist Marine Le Pen was greeted with relief and joy by those concerned by the populist wave.

He was soon hailed as an unofficial leader of Europe, and even the world. As recently as April, Politico called him the “new leader of the free world.” Macron appeared to embrace that mantle as he came to the U.S. and made a fiery speech to Congress warning against nationalism and calling for an embrace of multilateralism and international cooperation.

“We will not let the rampaging work of extreme nationalism shake a world full of hopes for greater prosperity,” he told Congress.

It’s a wonder Donald Trump didn’t have him arrested for that speech.

I just kept expecting ICE to bust through the door and detain him, separate from his child – oh, right – separate from his long-post-menopausal granny wife.

Last month, he was at the United Nations General Assembly, castigating the same nationalist forces — which was widely seen as a swipe at President Trump as he slammed a unilateralist approach that entails “a certain lawlessness where everyone pursues their own interests.”

But back home things look extremely shaky. His approval ratings have dived as low as 29 percent. Last month he was dealt a further blow when Gerard Collomb, the interior minister, resigned after having attacked Macron’s government for a “lack of humility.”

Some of Macron’s unpopularity can be put down to his larger reputation as a narcissist obsessed with power and image. A number of politically awkward viral moments — including him recently lecturing an out-of-work gardener to look harder for a job — have hardened that image

Less than 30 percent, according to the most recent polls, have a favorable opinion of him and half of the those who disapprove of him are very disapproving,” Ezra Suleiman, professor of politics at Princeton University, told Fox News. ”Those who have soured on him find him arrogant, didactic and not concerned with their problems.”

He has also faced difficulty in walking a fine line on immigration, trying to solve a continuing European migration crisis without alienating left-wing support for his broader agenda. France’s parliament approved a bill in August that increases the time migrants can be detained, and also shortened application deadlines for asylum claims. It was opposed by some left-wing lawmakers, who decried it as inhumane while some on the right said it did not go far enough to deal with the migration crisis.

France’s left-wing has also been enraged by Macron’s tougher stance on labor unions, who he has sought to rein in as part of his efforts to boost the lagging French economy. He recently announced that the next budget will include a new tax cut, which Politico reported will be worth as much as €26 billion ($30 billion) for workers and employers, as part of an effort to boost those approval numbers and the economy.

It’s really too bad that this man has to suffer so much distasteful distaste, even after he’s done so much to try to rule the world in the name of global warming and free trade interracialism.

He’s fighting against the worst of dangers: that people will have a right to rule their own countries.

But they don’t credit him, just because they think he’s a self-absorbed prick?

Hey – not all heroes wear capes, and not all global rulers of the free world of carbon-capping are not self-absorbed pricks.

My advice?

Grow a beard and hope no one recognizes you.