Pittsburgh: Protests Continue Over Gud Boi Killed Fleeing a Drive-By Shooting He Just Did

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 23, 2018

Just because someone was involved in a drive-by shooting, and then run from the cops when they are confronted, doesn’t mean they deserve to die.

I mean. Not if they’re black.

Because Black Lives Matter.

He was just a tiny little child.

Washington Post:

Protesters took to the streets for the third straight day in Pittsburgh as anger mounted after a 17-year-old was fatally shot by police while running away from an officer.

Allegheny County officials told The Washington Post that protests were expected in locations around the city. Early in the evening, a large crowd marched across the Roberto Clemente Bridge, which spans the Allegheny River from Pittsburgh’s downtown toward its baseball stadium to protest Antwon Rose Jr.’s killing. Afterward, the crowd circled back toward downtown, stopping in a square where they conducted a moment of silence and listened to speakers.

“We do this for Antwon!” they shouted.

Later, they linked arms as they planned to march on to a highway. The night before, another group of protesters shut down an interstate for hours before riot police dispersed the crowd in the early morning. Other protests and vigils were expected around the country over the weekend.


Rose was killed Tuesday night after being shot by a police officer who was investigating a shooting in which a 22-year-old man was injured when someone fired nine .40-caliber rounds at him from a car. The vehicle that Rose was traveling in matched a witness description of the drive-by car, police said, and it was pulled over about 15 minutes later.

Graphic video shows two men fleeing the car after it was stopped, with one of them falling to the ground after shots ring out. Police said Rose was struck by all three bullets fired by the officer, whom officials identified as Michael Rosfeld, but have declined to say whether Rose was shot in the back.

The Allegheny County Police Department is investigating the two incidents for a potential homicide referral to the county district attorney.

Rose did not have a weapon on him when he was shot, officials have said. On Friday, Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala told reporters at his office that Rose was found with an empty 9-millimeter clip in his pocket.

Officials said they found two guns in the car, which they said they were confident was the same vehicle that had been involved in the drive-by shooting. Amie Downs, a spokeswoman for the county police, said she did not know whether the weapons found in the car were the same caliber used in that shooting.

Yeah, he left the gun in the car.

What was he going to do with an empty clip? Throw it at the cop?

Is it now against the law to do a drive-by shooting and then run from the cops?

I guess it is if you’ve got the wrong color of skin.

Antwon wrote a poem.

Can you imagine?

He was a true poet and a gud boi, and he is murdered by racist white cops simply for doing a drive-by shooting and then running.

This is just an everyday event for the oppressed blacks of the United States.

It’s a wonder they don’t all just hop on a boat and head back to Wakanda.