Poland: People Whining About Growing Number of Illegals

Great job, Poland.

You really showed that Stalin guy who’s boss.

Got him real good.


A number of Polish politicians are issuing warnings as more and more migrants appear on Polish streets, especially when neighboring countries like Germany are dealing with record levels of migrant crime, including an unprecedented number of gang rapes and violent assaults.

In a strong call to action, Mariusz Błaszczak, former minister of national defense and member of the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, emphasized the need for decisive measures to combat illegal immigration in Poland, criticizing the current left-liberal government’s lack of effective responses.

“Very disturbing reports are coming from Białowieża. Residents report groups of illegal migrants, primarily young men, who have been receiving aid from an organization that has been obstructing the military and Border Guard for years. Meanwhile, in western Poland, there are increasing reports of migrants being pushed across the border from Germany,” Błaszczak posted on the social platform X.

They’ve got Somalis in Poland now

“Does anyone still have control over this situation? The government needs to wake up from its lethargy before it’s too late. The fight against illegal migration requires decisive action, not empty declarations. Get to work!” he appealed to the ruling coalition.

A profile focused on security issues, “Service in Action,” highlighted the situation in the village of Czerlonka near Białowieża in the Podlasie region. According to their post on X, “Almost every day, for most of the day, migrants who have illegally crossed the border linger at the bus stop. People are afraid to go out in the evenings, and because the bus stop is constantly occupied, children are afraid to stand there to catch their school bus.”

According to local authorities in Białowieża, this situation is the result of actions by organizations helping illegal migrants, such as the Podlasie Volunteer Humanitarian Service (Podlasie OPH). They allegedly distribute a WhatsApp number among migrant groups, leading to the bus stop — about 5 kilometers from the border — becoming a gathering point where migrants fill out power of attorney documents and asylum applications. There, they wait for hours for the Border Guard, which has virtually become a taxi service to the center.

Moreover, Janusz Kowalski, a member of the Sovereign Poland party, raised the alarm about groups of illegal migrants on the streets of the city of Białystok.

“This is not funny. This is the future that Donald Tusk, Rafał Trzaskowski, and Szymon Hołownia are preparing for Poles. Polish women will be molested on Polish streets. After dark, Poles will be afraid to go outside. Crime will increase. Attacks with machetes will become common. It has begun,” posted Kowalski.

I know Poles and I feel bad for them.

They’re not all Stalin-obsessed lunatics who are willing to sell their entire country out to a mob of faggots and foreigners in a pointless revenge quest against Russia over shit that happened nearly a century ago.

Nonetheless, a lot of them don’t really even seem to understand that they made a deal with the devil when they signed up with the Americans.

But it’s basically:

  • Hopeless attempt at revenge against Russia (which won’t work anyway), or
  • Poland continues to exist as a nation

Pick one.

There is no end in sight