Poland: Surreal Assassination of Jew Mayor Caught on Film

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2019

Naturally, I would never endorse a heinous act like this… but I must admit that I feel bad for the young man who will undoubtedly go to jail because of this attack. If you think about it, there were two victims here, both the mayor and the teenager. At this point, we have to come together in forgiveness and understanding for the poor child who felt compelled to attack the mayor because of structural injustices in Polish society.

(From another angle)

This is a learning opportunity that should not be passed up.

Kikes need to learn how and why some of their bad behavior enrages impressionable at-risk Polish youths who then want to stab them with knives.

The Guardian:

Thousands of people have gathered in cities across Poland after the fatal stabbing of Gdańsk mayor PawełAdamowicz in protest at what some say is a creeping pervasiveness of hate speech in Poland’s national discourse.

In Gdańsk, thousands gathered for a minute’s silence at the statue of Neptune in the city’s Long Market, which also hosts the city hall, where Adamowicz served as mayor for more than 20 years. Adamowicz died after he was stabbed in the chest on stage at a charity concert on Sunday evening.

They were addressed by European Council president Donald Tusk, a Gdańsk native, friend and longtime ally of Adamowicz. In an emotional address, Tusk addressed Adamowicz directly: “My dear Paweł, we are here with you today as your friends. You had to wait so long, until such a tragic moment, to see from up there just how many friends you have here in Gdansk.”

The alleged assailant, a 27-year-old man from Gdańsk with a record of violent crime, was released from prison last month, it emerged on Monday. After the stabbing, the assailant told the crowd he blamed Adamowicz’s former political party Civic Platform for his jailing in 2014 for a series of violent attacks.

Adamowicz, a popular, liberal mayor, had long been considered a hate figure in far-right circles for his vigorous defence of migrants and refugees and LGBT rights, but no evidence has emerged that the attack was politically motivated.

Some in Poland are blaming the stabbing on a more general rise in social tensions and an increasing prevalence of hate speech.

The stabber said only this: “Hello! Hello! My name is Stefan. I sat innocent in prison, I sat innocent in prison. Civic Platform tortured me, and that’s why Adamowicz is dead.”

Interestingly, none of the mayor’s people who were on stage with him did anything, other than one very corpulent fellow who sort of milled around aimlessly for a bit. From the video it didn’t seem like anybody screamed or made that much of a fuss. Their reaction was more like, “okay that happened… I hope he doesn’t stab me now.”

Also, why was Stefan in prison? 

The answer to that question might clear up quite a bit about his motivations.

Meanwhile, this happened in the context of the political class in Poland now pushing for hate speech laws and more intense monitoring/censorship of HateThought in Poland. This probably can and will be used to justify some sort of crackdown – that is if the ruling center-right PiS party plays along. They’re pretty kosher, so they might.

The Jews might very well decide that Poland must atone for its latest sin against the Jewish race. 

Overall though, I am pretty disappointed because there haven’t been any historic photos coming out of the event.

Which means it probably won’t captive the entire world the way that it should.