Pole Dancers Considering Joining the Olympics

What the hell is “breaking”?

Why does Reuters assume I know what that is?

Is it another prostitution related athletic activity, like pole dancing?

Seriously, I do not know what that is.


With breaking making its first Olympic appearance at the Paris Games later this year, pole dancers feel it could soon be their turn to be in the limelight, although it could come at the cost of losing the spirit of the discipline.

Pole dancing was recognised as a sport by the Global Association of International Sports Federation (GAISF) in 2017 after being essentially confined to cabarets and strip clubs, with some of the physically-demanding moves – Jade Split, Marion Amber – being named after famous strippers.

At The Wild Pole studio in central Paris, strippers in high heels practice alongside women looking for exercise. Some men have also started pole dancing.

I find it’s a pity that someone would want to dissociate the origin of the discipline and the sport itself. Because if it is a sport now, it is because cabaret dancers were the first to give pole dancing lessons,” Elodie Katze, co-founder of the Wild Pole Studio, told Reuters.

There are pole dancing competitions around the world, but according to French Dancing Federation president Charles Ferreira, it will take time for the sport to become an Olympic event.

“Maybe in 10 years or something. For this to work it needs a social media presence, it needs to reach a young audience,” he told Reuters.

Yeah, we need to start teaching more young girls to be strippers.

That will be really good for society. We can liberate women even harder.

The problem I see is that women will just get destroyed by trannies like in every other sport.


I looked up “breaking” on the official Olympics website and it shows a guy trying to break his neck on the ground.

I guess it’s short for “neck breaking.”

I don’t know why the media didn’t explain that to me. I should not have to Google terms from a Reuters article. I guarantee 95% of readers don’t know what “breaking” is. I thought it was a car sport, like Tokyo drifting.