Police Arrest Nog After Car Chase – Other Nogs Throw Rocks at Them

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 1, 2018

I have never heard of White people gathering around and throwing rocks at cops while they were making an arrest.

Not once.

News on 6:

Police say they were forced to fire pepper balls into a crowd outside a Tulsa apartment complex late Thursday after residents threw rocks at officers at the end of a police chase.
It happened in front of the Savannah Landing Apartments in the 1100 block of East 60th Street at 9:45 p.m.

This after officers stopped a 2003 Silver Chevy pickup for not having a tag light and other traffic violations. They say the driver circled complex several times before police used stop sticks, deflating several of the truck’s tires.

Police had to break out the windows of the pickup to get the driver out, and while they were doing that, apartment residents began yelling at them and throwing rocks.

They say at one point, police had to use pepper balls to keep the crowd back.