Poll: British People Furious at Insane Immigration Policy

Daily Mail
November 22, 2013

75% think the invasion has taken jobs away from young Brits.

A huge majority of voters want David Cameron to defy the EU and maintain controls on Romanian and Bulgarian migrants.

In an explosive Daily Mail survey, eight out of ten said they did not want citizens of the two countries to be handed free access to UK jobs from January 1.

Ministers warn Britain will be taken to court if it ignores the Brussels edict to let the migrants in.

But the threat of big fines from the European Court of Justice was brushed off by almost two thirds of the public.

They said that – even if it meant legal sanctions – the Prime Minister should keep the restrictions in place to ‘serve the national interest’. And 80 per cent of voters say Westminster should retain the final say over who enters the country.

Only 5 per cent think Brussels should be in charge. An overwhelming 85 per cent said migration was putting too much pressure on schools, hospitals and housing.

The findings of the Harris poll, conducted earlier this week, will heap further pressure on Downing Street to stop a potentially major influx from Romania and Bulgaria.

Romanians in Hendon being rounded up by the Police earlier this year
Romanians in Hendon being rounded up by the Police earlier this year.

Although officials have refused to predict how many will come, the Migrationwatch think-tank puts the figure as high as 70,000 a year.

That would almost certainly wreck Mr Cameron’s promise to reduce net migration to the ‘tens of thousands’.

In a devastating blow for the Premier, our poll reveals that only 11 per cent  trust the Tories on immigration – six percentage points less than Labour and 11 less than UKIP. But, in a stark indictment of the whole political class, a disturbing 44 per cent have no trust in any party on this most serious of issues.

The Prime Minister has repeatedly pointed to the fact that net migration – the difference between the number of people arriving in the UK, and those leaving – is down by a third, to 176,000, since 2010.

But, in the Mail’s survey, 80 per cent said this figure was still too many.

The findings are scathing about Labour’s record in office. Two thirds of the public agreed with former Labour home secretary Jack Straw’s statement that throwing open the doors to Poles and other East Europeans in May 2004 had been a ‘spectacular mistake’.

The Jew David Cameron lying through his teeth
The Jew David Cameron lying through his teeth about how he is going to restrict immigration.

An astonishing 79 per cent of the voters said they had not been properly consulted over the open door immigration policies pursued by the last government, which added 2.5million to the UK’s population.

Asked if the impact of mass immigration had been good for British society as a whole, only 19 per cent said yes, while 64 per cent said no. Four in ten said immigration had changed their community for the worse, compared with only 11 per cent who said it was better.

Seventy-six per cent say it has affected the ability of young Britons to get a job.

Yet, in results which will alarm Tory strategists, Ed Miliband’s party scores better than Mr Cameron’s on immigration policy.

Asked who they trust most, 22 per cent of voters picked UKIP, 17 per cent Labour, 11 per cent the Tories, and 4 per cent the Lib Dems. The poll shows older people are particularly concerned about net migration: 72 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds said it was too high compared with more than 90 per cent of those aged over 55.

An extraordinary 95 per cent of those in this older age group were in favour of continuing restrictions after January 1.

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