Pope Francis Says “There is an Air of Faggotness in the Vatican”

Why does he keep saying this?

He apologized last time, then he said it again?

NBC News:

Pope Francis has again been accused of using a highly offensive term to describe gay men in a closed-door meeting, two weeks after the Vatican apologized over his use of the same slur.

The Italian news agency ANSA, citing unnamed sources, reported that Francis used the Italian word in a meeting on Tuesday afternoon in which he suggested gay men should be welcome in the Church but not in seminaries.

The Pope is alleged to have used the term in a non-public meeting with Roman priests at the The Salesian Pontifical University.

Two sources in the room told NBC News last month that the Pope used the phrase in another closed-door meeting with bishops on May 20. The Vatican was moved to issue a rare apology “to those who were offended.”

See: Pope Francis Drops “Faggotness” Slur to Confuse Catholics About Direction of the Church

In response to a request for comment on the new allegation, the Vatican referred NBC News to a statement it had issued regarding Tuesday’s meeting with priests. The pope had reiterated the need to welcome “people with homosexual tendencies” into the Church and the need for caution “regarding their entry into the seminary,” the statement said.

People are going to have to start asking some hard questions about what is going on with this whole “Pope” situation.