Portuguese Towns Debate Establishing Slavery Museums to Never Forget the Suffering

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2019

OY. The goyim must never forget the slave gorillas.

Russell Contreras, a member of AP’s race and ethnicity team, wrote about how Portugal honors the memory of slavery.


To the casual visitor, Lagos is a striking beach town of charming coastlines and sightly sandstone cliffs. A medieval castle sits alongside boutique cafes and outdoor restaurants serving boiled and baked octopus. One can speed along the shore in a watercraft during the day and catch an intimate Fado show at night.

Lagos is also where the African slave trade took root in Europe.

And once you go looking for that, nothing erases its legacy — not the pristine waters, not the soft chords of a Portuguese guitarra.

Across Portugal, cities and residents are coming to terms with the country’s role in a trade that ultimately enslaved an estimated 12.5 million Africans around the world. Activists and elected officials have debated placing memorial markers or establishing slavery museums. Like the state of New Mexico in the United States, Portugal is examining its conquistador past and the effects it had on subjugated peoples.

In Lagos, the community has made its move.

At the spot where the slave market began, a slavery museum has been erected. El Mercado de Escravos, or the Slave Market, sits in a building that once housed enslaved Africans. The museum tells the story of the first captured black slaves and the economic boom that followed. A striking sculpture of King Amador, who started a slave revolt on the island of Sao Tome in 1595, grabs your attention on the first floor. It stands next to a bench that some museum officials say is where slaves once waited to be sold.

El Mercado de Escravos

Check out some pictures from the slave museum below.

Now check out this following picture.

Do you see the… irony? Blacks immersed in the white man’s world using the white man’s inventions dressing in the white man’s clothes looking at some white man’s map in a white man’s museum about how terribly evil the white man is.

Blacks enslaved in white countries were the luckiest blacks in history

The fate of the ones that were not enslaved in white countries is something the media avoids mentioning because if it’s mentioned, the goyim start to notice, and when the goyim start to notice, the goyim get very close to knowing.

You don’t have to shut the conversation down if you don’t start it.

The fact is that every black living in non-white countries is living in conditions that are unimaginable to the entitled blacks born and raised in white countries.

When the media does report on what’s happening in Africa or such shit-holes, it always frames it as if the problems were somehow the result of white people’s actions somewhere in time, either colonialism or slavery or lack of “humanitarian aid” or whatever.

There’s also examples of blacks born and raised in white countries ruining white countries, such as the case of Brazil, where the worst parts of the country are the blackest.

When you show the facts, it’s easy to notice this pattern of black people coincidentally being around shitholes every time you look. Places like Europe or the United States of America are still resisting the shithole generating power of blacks, and blacks living in these places enjoy the best black experience at black living available for blacks in the world today and in anytime in history.

Slavery was a blessing for them. It saved them.

It made them useful by forcing them to work, it brought them to countries that are so ahead of African shitholes that is not even fair to make the comparison.

Slavery gave them everything good they enjoy today.

If they don’t like the gifts of the white man then how about they go back to being proper blacks? They don’t need any money for that, nor any clothes, nor any belonging. Not even a house.

Just some mud and excrement hut and some body piercings.