Protesters Storm Opening of Holohoax Museum in Amsterdam as Jew President Whines About Oppression

Anti-Israel sentiment is definitely flourishing worldwide.

No one seems to be able to figure out why, however.

Experts have described it as “a total mystery.”


Israeli President Isaac Herzog, attending an opening of a Holocaust museum in Amsterdam on Sunday, called for prayers for peace and the immediate release of hostages taken by Hamas in its Oct. 7 attack and still held by the Islamist militants.

As he arrived at the Portuguese Synagogue to make a speech, Herzog was greeted with booing from pro-Palestinian protesters demanding an immediate end to Israel’s assault in Gaza.

Local health officials say nearly 31,000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched its offensive in response to the attack on southern Israel, in which some 1,200 people were killed and 253 taken hostage, with 134 still held, according to Israeli tallies.

Yeah, why doesn’t Amsterdam open a museum for the 31,000 dead Palestinians?

This is a massacre that actually happened, unlike the Holocaust, which the Jews don’t present any evidence for save for a pile of shoes.

Hatred and anti-semitism are flourishing worldwide, and we must fight it together,” Herzog said in his speech.

At a square nearby, protesters were chanting “Ceasefire now” and “Stop bombing children”, while holding Palestinian flags and signs that said “Jews against genocide” and “The grandchild of a holocaust survivor says: Stop Gaza Holocaust”.

Some set off fireworks and threw eggs at police while a few tried to climb police vans as the protest grew more tense in the afternoon. Local media reported at least a thousand protesters attended.

Herzog’s remarks that not only militants but “an entire nation” was responsible for the Oct. 7 attack and that Israel will fight “until we break their backbone” have been cited by South Africa in its International Court of Justice lawsuit against Israel.

Those statements would be used by any legitimate genocide court.

Hitler never said that.

Dutch King Willem Alexander getting a tour at the museum.

The nerve of the Jews to do a high profile Holohoax museum opening in the middle of all of this, knowing that there would be masses of protesters, shows they’ve completely lost the plot.

Normal people who are against the Gaza massacre are going to start denying the fake shower room gas chambers.

Then the Jews are going to have a very, very big problem.