Proud Boys Going to Trial Even Though Antifa Refuses to Press Charges

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 31, 2019

Somehow, even though the Antifa are refusing to press charges, the Proud Boys are going to trial.

I guess assaulting an Antifa is like assaulting a police officer – it’s always a crime no matter who doesn’t press charges.

Remember as you take in this information about this event from the lying Jew media that Antifa stalked the Proud Boys while throwing things at them before the confrontation. And none of them were charged with anything. But the Proud Boys were charged with defending themselves. It’s very much like what happens if a cop attacks you, no?

Because Antifa are literally cops. 

New York Times:

The videos that emerged from an Upper East Side event in October showed a disturbing scene: about a dozen men connected to a far-right group called the Proud Boys surrounding and striking a smaller group of protesters, believed to be self-described anti-fascists.

Ten members and associates of the Proud Boys, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has called a “hate group,” were arrested as a result of the altercation. And this week, two are going to trial in what appears to be the first time members of the group, which have clashed with left-wing opponents in other parts of the country, will appear before a jury to face charges stemming from an attack.

Wow, the SPLC is still getting shout-outs in the NYT, even whilst the Jewish anti-White hate group is still stuck in a major drama involving sexual harassment and racial abuse of their employees.

Jurors, however, are unlikely to hear from any of those who were beaten.

The four victims have not cooperated with the authorities, who do not even know their names. They are identified in an indictment only as Shaved Head, Ponytail, Khaki and Spiky Belt.

Phillip Walzak, the Police Department’s main spokesman, said that footage from police body cameras showed that victims refused to talk with officers who sought statements after arriving on 82nd Street as the attacks were taking place.

As a result, prosecutors have been unable to pursue charges of assault, which requires evidence of injury. Instead, the defendants have been charged with riot and with attempted assault, which requires only evidence of intent to cause injury.

That is really, really a strained excuse for throwing away basic prosecutorial procedures.


A street fight is a “riot.”

The Manhattan district attorney’s office is expected to lean heavily on video from multiple sources that show the defendants — Maxwell Hare, who prosecutors said started the fighting, and John Kinsman, accused by prosecutors of being “the single most vicious of all the attackers”— punching and kicking protesters.

But they’re not getting charged with assault?

So if they were all planning to assault and riot – which is what they’re being charged with – then why does it matter who was “the most vicious” attacker?

“The primary evidence before the grand jury — and the only evidence of how the physical altercation began — was video evidence,” a prosecutor, Joshua Steinglass, wrote in a court filing.

Daniel R. Alonso, a former federal prosecutor and former chief assistant district attorney in Manhattan, said that trying a criminal case without victim testimony may be somewhat unusual, but is hardly unheard-of.

“The law doesn’t specify any particular method by which the D.A. is required to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” he said.

The trial is sure to be watched closely, in large part because it will explore events that fit into a broad pattern of violence defined by clashing ideologies.

“This case involves allegations of a violent clash between two opposing groups,” Justice Mark J. Dwyer of State Supreme Court in Manhattan told prospective jurors on Monday.

Over the last few years, far-right groups, often denouncing communism or calling for “free speech,” have fought repeatedly with a loose-knit coalition of self-described anti-fascists known as Antifa, who say that the right-wing groups are a threat that should be countered physically.

Why is “free speech” in quotes, NYT?

Is this some kind of ironic free speech?

Roiling conflicts — in places like Berkeley, Calif.; Portland, Ore.; and Providence, R.I. — have included the use of homemade shields, clubs, batons and pepper spray.

The Upper East Side incident took place after Gavin McInnes, a co-founder of Vice magazine who started the Proud Boys in New York City in 2016, appeared at the Metropolitan Republican Club on 83rd Street.

Afterward, the police said, a small group of protesters circled the block attempting to intercept a large number of Proud Boys walking south on Park Avenue.

Yes, that is called “stalking.”

A video documentarian, Sandi Bachom, recorded part of the fighting on East 82nd Street. Footage from a man, Christopher Wright, who accompanied the Proud Boys that night, depicted some exulting afterward, and Mr. Hare shouting that he had “smashed” a victim’s head.

The public reaction was swift. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo condemned the Proud Boys.

Just like this may be the first time someone was charged for assault with no injury, this was likely the first time the governor and mayor of any state condemned people involved in a street fight.

Its members were banned from Instagram and Facebook. In November, Mr. McInnes said he was quitting the group.

Before that, though, he insisted that Antifa members, including one who threw a plastic bottle, had ambushed the Proud Boys that night. Lawyers for several defendants made similar claims during their arraignments.

But security camera footage obtained by The New York Times showed that members of the Proud Boys initiated the encounter by charging at the protesters, who had halted some 100 feet from Park Avenue.

They “initiated” the fist fight because they were being gang-stalked by people who were throwing objects at them!

Five defendants have pleaded guilty to charges including riot, disorderly conduct and attempted assault and been sentenced to a conditional discharge and five days of community service.

Another, Kyle Borello, pleaded guilty to riot and attempted assault but will be allowed to withdraw those pleas and plead guilty to disorderly conduct with a sentence of time served if he completes 10 days of community service and has no new arrests for a year.

A seventh defendant, Geoffrey Young, pleaded guilty to riot and attempted assault and was sentenced to 10 months of weekend jail.

The eighth, David Kuriakose, is expected to go to trial in the fall.

Lawyers for Mr. Hare and Mr. Kinsman have signaled that they may argue that their clients believed they needed to resort to force.

“Antifa’s only missing accessory was war paint,” the lawyers wrote in one filing. “They gathered and lay in wait in the Upper East Side to aggressively attack the Proud Boys exiting the club.”

Prosecutors have acknowledged that the Proud Boys and protesters may have both sought a confrontation or even “a violent clash” but said the Proud Boys were the first to resort to “unlawful and assaultive” acts.

“While the suspected Antifa members may or may not have taunted their assailants,” prosecutors wrote, “mere insults do not constitute initial aggression.”

You would think that throwing things would.

But it doesn’t matter.

They are always going to prosecute right-wingers who fight back against Antifa, because that is the entire purpose of Antifa: to shut down freedom of speech in the public square.

They have completely locked down the internet, so they have to make sure people cannot gather in real life. Most people will not gather if they know they’re going to be attacked by Antifa, because they don’t want to be attacked. However, there are some people who will gather and defend people from Antifa – so they have to be charged with crimes for defending themselves.

This same thing happened with RAM, who were charged with rioting for defending themselves after being attacked by Antifa.

Many such cases.

It is two pronged: if you think you can demonstrate peacefully, you’re wrong. The Feds will send people in black masks to attack you. If you think you can defend yourself from the people who attack you, you’re wrong. The Feds (or a local DA) will prosecute you for defending yourself.

It sure is a free-for-all for Antifa. They can literally do whatever the hell they want in this country. They burned up cars while rioting and smashing windows inside of the nation’s capital, and the government dropped all charges. They are clearly sending the message that there are no consequences for any of this behavior – the cops will even defend you and the people you attack will be prosecuted – which gets more people involved.

It is truly a sad state of affairs.

It appears that it is all being designed in such a way as to encourage far-right terrorism.

Meanwhile, the former leader of the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes, bitched out and quit the group after the charges came down on them. He was really just a weak-willed coward, easily broken. Now he is also banned from everything and has disappeared completely.

You have to give these kikes credit: they’ve done a very thorough job in cleansing America of any public resistance to their agenda.

The problem is, no one has changed their mind. Everyone still hates the Jews. And our ideas have spread so deeply into youth culture that you can’t go on a video game stream or comments section without seeing people posting gas chamber memes.

In other words: it’s too late to shut it down because the goyim already know.