Rachel Maddow’s Whole Business Model Just Went Under

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
March 28, 2019

Half a million Americans who really thought that Rachel Maddow knew something they didn’t about this whole Russian thing just felt their whole world caving in.

They trusted her. And she let them down. The Prophet was a liar.

Daily Caller:

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow lost half of a million viewers in just one week after special counsel Robert Mueller’s report indicated that he did not find enough evidence to support collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Maddow has been one of the most prominent voices on the collusion conspiracy, spending most of her programs over the past two years on allegations that President Donald Trump coordinated with the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential election. Maddow struggled to hold back tears as she delivered her opening monologue last Friday, clearly stunned that Mueller did not bring any indictments against the president or his family.

The implosion of the Russian collusion narrative damaged more than just Maddow’s ego — it, at least temporarily, destroyed her ratings.

“The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC delivered monster ratings for the network, cementing the cable host as the left-wing foil to Fox News’ Sean Hannity. Maddow consistently finished 1st or 2nd in overall cable news ratings over the past year, sometimes garnering more than 3 million viewers.

But according to The Daily Beast, Maddow’s show dropped 500,000 viewers in just one week after the Mueller report dropped. 

The only thing that was propping Maddow’s show this whole time was the Russian Collaboration hoax.

It was the only thing that kept the leftist media going this whole time. Every day they were screaming “SCANDAL!” at the top of their lungs. Literally counting down the days until 2020, as if they were in a gulag, serving their time.

Remember, in their minds, they couldn’t have lost the election because they were rejected by America, no. It had to be the Russians. Maddow and the other media elite were basically glorified psychiatry-therapists for shell-shocked liberals over the last 2, going on 3 years. They were getting paid to sooth-say and presumably prevent liberals from literally committing suicide en masse.

“Hold on there! Don’t give in! There’s still a chance that we can get him! Illegitimate! Putin! The elections!” 

But now only the die-hards remain.

The Mueller report has come and gone and Maddow is in total damage control. This video was difficult to watch.

She was blinking a lot, stuttering and you could just feel the defeat in her voice. This is because she was grasping at straws, mang.

I mean really grasping at straws.

She’s committed to this story though. Rachel is Ms. Russiagate. She’ll keep going ahead with this thing. They’ll yank her off the air if the ratings continue tanking though. There’s no way that you can recover your credibility after a performance like that. Even among liberals. They’ve all been let down. It’s personal and emotional now.