Rand Paul Demands We Cut Military Funding to Saudi Monkeys!

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2018

Saudis are basically Jews, except mentally retarded.

The Saudis should really learn to read the mood before they go on another one of their little chimpouts. Not only did they allegedly kill and dismember a journalist critical of their government, but worse yet, they’re starting to give their women rights.

Rights – for women.

Can you believe it?

They’re allowing them to drive and everything.

Needless to say, while the America of the past would have tolerated these shenanigans, Trump’s America is not going to put up with this cuckoldry – or the journalist chopping, I guess.

You tell ’em, Rand.

Fox News:

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Wednesday said he plans to introduce a bill this week to cut off all military aid to Saudi Arabia until missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is returned alive.

And also, until they reverse their decision to give women the right to drive. Well, Rand didn’t say that, but I guess it just goes without saying.

While the slaying of journalists is pretty funny, this is making me literally sick to my stomach. These barbarians have definitely gone too far here.

Turkish officials believe Khashoggi vanished Oct. 2 after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and was dismembered. A team of 15 Saudis flew into the country the day of his disappearance and are suspected of playing a role.

“To me, this is just one more reason why we should be very suspect about selling arms to the Saudis,” Paul told Shannon Bream, host of ‘Fox News @ Night.’ “If they have the ability and also the audacity to go into another country and kill a journalist, these aren’t the kind of people maybe that we want to be selling arms to.”

They think they can do whatever they want with total impunity – just like another Semitic tribe based in that region.

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he is demanding answers from the “highest levels” of the Saudi Arabian government, but he told Fox News that it was too early to commit to “what recourse we would take,” if it turns out Saudi Arabia was involved in Khashoggi’s disappearance.

Sure, investigate, whatever.

But how about you bomb a Saudi airfield, just to be on the safe side?

“I think that would be hurting us,” Trump said. “We have jobs. We have a lot of things happening in this country. We have a country that’s probably doing better economically than its ever done before. A part of that is what we’re doing with our defense system and everybody’s wanting them, and frankly, I think that would be a very, very tough pill to swallow for our country.”

His comments came after the fiancé of Khashoggi, a Washington Post contributor who often criticized the regime of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, urged him to shed light on the matter.

“I think you could say that there may not be proof that they’ve killed the journalist or even that the journalist has been killed yet,” Paul said. “I don’t think that we actually need proof, but there’s enough to indicate that they were involved.”

Paul also cited Saudi Arabia’s intervention in neighboring Yemen’s civil war.

“What you do have evidence of is that the Saudis have been bombing civilians in Yemen for over a year now,” he said.

Yeah, I mean, the Saudis have always had a total disregard for all that “human rights” gibberish, and the West has never given them shit over it.

They’re literally chopping people’s heads off over there.

Paul introduced a resolution a year to stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia that received only 25 votes, he said. A second attempt six months ago garnered 47 votes.

“I think if we were to have another vote in the next week or two, I think you’d actually get a majority of the Senate who says ‘Hey we need to back off.’”

I sure hope so.

There’s literally no reason to be giving weapons to these goat herding cave dwellers. If we want their oil, we can just go and take it – there’s no way they could ever stop us.

I guess while they were keeping their women in bags, it made sense to keep them around for the lols. But now that they’re cucking on even that aspect, these people have lost all reason for existing.

The Senate better back Rand Paul on this. And then, we better vote on a good war against Saudi Arabia – that’s something I could get behind.