Read Ghislaine Maxwell Documents! Now Here!

Well, these files are out.

If there was anything interesting, we’d already have heard about it, I think.

The Guardian:

A cache of documents in civil litigation against the British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was unsealed on Thursday night, including early 2015 correspondence with her longtime confidant Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier and convicted sex offender.

The documents stem from a 2015 civil action brought against Maxwell by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre, who has claimed that Maxwell lured her into Epstein’s orbit at 15 years old, under the guise of offering work as a masseuse. They include personal emails between Epstein and Maxwell as well as information from a discussion between Giuffre and her lawyer.

Many documents in this case have been subject to an intense legal battle. Maxwell’s attorneys in the civil suit had argued to keep many records under seal, maintaining previously that “this series of pleadings concerns [attempts] to compel Ms Maxwell to answer intrusive questions about her sex life”. The documents, they argued, are “extremely personal, confidential and subject to considerable abuse by the media”.

Manhattan federal court judge Loretta Preska ruled on 23 July to unseal them, however, saying: “The court finds that the countervailing interests identified fail to rebut the presumption of public access.”

Documents involving Maxwell’s deposition have not been released yet, as her lawyers are appealing their unsealing.

I obviously haven’t read the 638 pages, but someone must have by now, and we haven’t heard any bombshells.

It seems that anything that would be a bombshell is already known.

Clinton and others are mentioned on page 145:

This is from pages 152-153:

The only funny thing I’ve seen is that Epstein took the famous photo of Prince Andrew with Virginia Giuffre – with Giuffre’s camera!

It was of course her that wanted the picture! Why would Andrew want photographic evidence of this? Giuffre was so excited to be with a famous person. This is the nature of women. They are not victims, they are predators, and I’m sick of hearing these sluts whine.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are Jewish spies who were running a blackmail ring in America. That is the problem with all of this. It should not be about white knighting for literal whores because they were only 16 and didn’t know what a whore was.

Here is the full document.

Honestly, there is no chance we’re going to get anything interesting out of any of this, so I hope people will stop hoping. It makes no sense why Maxwell was in the country, why she was arrested at all. The only possible explanation is that she is going to make claims against Donald Trump as an October surprise. Nothing else makes any sense.