Really Cool Christmas Decorations in Latvia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2017



Residents of a town in Latvia reported seeing a huge shining swastika among a neighbor’s outdoor Christmas decorations, but city authorities brushed it off, saying it was an ancient folk symbol unrelated to the Nazis.

Neighbors and passers-by reported the festive fandangles on Kalnsetas street in Saldus, western Latvia, confused at seeing the disturbing symbol displayed so openly.

But a representative of the district council told the Delfi news portal that the owner of the house has always put up decorations around Christmas-time, and this year chose the “Fire Cross”, the traditional Latvian symbol of fire. Dina Neimeta, a public and international relations official at the council, said although some may find the set-up confusing it was not breaking any laws.

A number of other Saldus residents seemed to agree. “This is not a swastika. A swastika is the other way around,” Uldis, a local janitor, told RT’s Ruptly video agency.

In Latvian folk tradition, the swastika, known as the “Fire Cross” or “Thunder Cross,” is iconic of the god of thunder, light, lightning, power and happiness. As such, it is often incorporated into complex patterns used for jewelry and clothing like mittens.

Except it isn’t the other way around though. And it’s tilted at the exactly correct angle.

I’m dreaming of a Christmas when we won’t have to explain away our lighted Christmas swastikas.

We’re already saying “Merry Christmas” again.

So I don’t think it’s too much to ask.