Reddit Hacked the 2016 Election in Favor of the Russians

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2017

r/The_Donald: Your standard KGB agent.

I always knew Reddit was up to no good.

I’m on the record on that one.

I think my official quote was: “Reddit is Satanic.”


The US Senate Intelligence Committee has reportedly honed in on message board site Reddit as its next target in the relentless probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 elections. The investigators have already summoned Google, Facebook and Twitter over the matter.

Senator Mark Warner (D-Virginia), ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee – one of the bodies probing Russia’s alleged meddling in the US elections – is “interested” in the message board’s possible role as a tool used to spread “Russian influence” on social media and to disseminate fake news, an official from his office told The Hill.

The message board drew the attention of US lawmakers as many fake news stories were reportedly traced back to the platform, including the notorious ‘Pizzagate’ fiasco that alleged that Hillary Clinton and Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair John Podesta were running a child sex ring using a Washington, DC pizzeria as a front.

Are you forgetting…

About the six million?

We said we’d never forget.

Reddit has loose regulation rules and lenient terms of service, allowing people to create accounts without much verification. It also relies on volunteer moderators to monitor content posted on its communities.

The site is the fourth-most visited platform in the US, with over half a billion monthly visitors. Some US experts cited by The Hill alleged the message board provides a link between some fringe or extreme sites that publish news pieces of “dubious credibility” and more mainstream platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, becoming a useful tool to spread fake news.

You heard that right: shitposting is a crime.

When you shitpost, you’re helping the KGB.

We should have shut down Reddit while we had the chance.


Now it’s too late.