Refugees Flee Finland for Better Life Back in Sweden

MV Lehti
September 22, 2015

Story Tornio refugees
Refugees shipped by Sweden, free of charge, to Finland.

Refugees flee from Finland back to Sweden – Finland is dark, cold and racist!

And it is arming its forces.

A new phenomenon has emerged. The overall grumpiness of Finns is turning into an asset, as more refugees are showing up at the Haparanda-Tornio border traffic station announcing that they do not want to stay in Finland. Instead, they want to return back to Sweden.

Sweden has shown its helpful side to the refugees travelling to the North through numerous peaceful countries during their quest to find the best welfare. Sweden has fed them, protected them and transported them free of charge with trains and buses to the Finnish border, much like Croatia is doing before pushing the refugees to Hungary, and now some refugees want to go back to the protective bosom of Sweden.

A group of Afghan men appeared at the border station yesterday stating their wish to be transported back to Sweden’s Stockholm.

They got as far as Oulu, a city in Finland about 120 kilometres from the Swedish border.

They were scared in Oulu. People were openly racist. People were cold and not as welcoming as the Swedes.

Story Oulu refugees
In Oulu, even the refugees look grumpy.

Another group of men, this time Syrians, was also waiting for instructions of how to get back to Stockholm. They had spent a week in the “lousy city of Tornio” and had had enough of it.

Finns are beginning to be sick and tired of these “asylum seekers” who are fit men dressed in nice clothes and iPhoning around the world.

There were two demonstrations yesterday in Finland. One was at the border between Sweden and Finland, and its theme was “Close the borders”. The demonstrators actually closed the border by forming a human shield and shouting their slogans, such as “Go away!”

Three or four buses carrying refugees from Sweden to Finland got so alarmed that they actually turned back as the refugees felt that they were not welcome in Finland. They were right. Sunday has also been unexpectedly quiet at the border station.

Story Tornio
Demonstrators in Tornio Formed a human shield to block the traffic from Sweden.

Another demonstration took place in Helsinki, and its theme was “March against multiculturalism” – apparently Finland does not want to become another Sweden after all.

North of Finland is, indeed, dark and cold, and strangers are not greeted with a smile but rather with a suspicious look.

This was confirmed by a Turku city councillor Muhis Azizi who visited the city of Oulu last weekend. He was surprised by the atmosphere in the city. Azizi came to Finland as a refugee in 1997 from Iraq.

“I saw in people’s faces that the situation is tense. One person just blurted to me outright that I was there just to seek asylum.”

“We went to look for a place to play pool. There were four of us, and at the door we had to show our id cards to get in.”

Story Helsinki
Demonstration in Helsinki against multiculturalism.

It was not welcoming inside the establishment either.

“A big man approached us and asked if we had made a mistake and come to a wrong place.”

Finnish Resistance Movement is also doing its best to raise awareness of crimes committed by refugees. They attach notifications to poles around refugee centres telling people to be cautions in the area, to avoid it when it’s dark, and not to move alone but in groups.

Story Patriot warning
Warning! You are nearing a refugee center. We urge you to be cautious when moving in this area.

Finns have never been known for their welcoming attitude or hospitality. With Sweden shipping up to 1 000 asylum seekers free of charge – and not registered in Sweden – to Finland, Finns are becoming really grumpy.

Finland has maybe always seemed dark, cold and racist to foreigners coming to the country, but for the Finns it’s the normal state of being.

The world may be surprised of how dark, cold and racist Finland can become, when the good-natured and resilient Finns get enough of the “iPhone refugees” that are only after five star service.

One such lot of Iraqis left their accommodation in a Suolahti refugee camp on Friday, because the standard was too low for them. Unfortunately for them, the buses and trains were on strike, so it was a 10 kilometer hike to Hirvaskangas, where they were able to grab taxis and continue their “refugee quest” for better services.

Story Suolahti refugees
Iraqis looking for a better accommodation.