Report Says Epstein’s Madam was a Mossad Spy and is Currently in Hiding in Israel

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 2, 2020

Well, this is certainly what we all assumed.

But I didn’t expect to ever read it in the tabloids, I can tell you that much.

Daily Mail:

An explosive new report has asserted that deceased sex criminal Jeffery Epstein and his alleged ‘madame’ Ghislaine Maxwell were foreign intelligence ‘assets’, and that she is currently hiding in a safehouse in Israel.

‘Ghislaine is protected. She and Jeffrey were assets of sorts for multiple foreign governments. They would trade information about the powerful people caught in his net — caught at Epstein’s house,’ a unnamed source told Page Six. 

Maxwell, 58, has been accused in lawsuits of procuring underage girls for Epstein to sexually traffick among his wealthy and powerful friends, and is reportedly the subject of an ongoing FBI probe.

She has always denied any wrongdoing. Her attorney did not immediately respond to an inquiry from on Wednesday evening.

After Epstein’s re-arrest last year and death behind bars in August, Maxwell has remained out of sight and her whereabouts unknown.

Now the Page Six source claims she is being protected by powerful foreign interests.

‘She is not in the US, she moves around. She is sometimes in the UK, but most often in other countries, such as Israel, where her powerful contacts have provided her with safe houses and protection,’ the source said.

Maxwell is being ‘protected because of the information she has on the world’s most powerful people,’ the source said.

It is not the first time that Epstein has been tied to a foreign intelligence service. Rumors have long circulated that Epstein secretly took videos of his rich and powerful friends having sex with underage girls, either for financial blackmail or as leverage for a foreign intelligence service.

So far, however, the FBI has not publicly confirmed whether any such blackmail material was recovered in raids on his properties.

They actually said they opened a safe full of cataloged CDs of sex acts.

They just haven’t said who was on them.

The Mail actually includes some pretty hateful anti-Semitic facts about Maxwell’s father.

Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell, was a Czech-born British media mogul whose financial fraud in raiding the Mirror Group pension fund was discovered after his death in 1991.

Also a British member of parliament, Robert Maxwell reportedly had ties to British intelligence, the Soviet KGB, and Mossad — and was suspected of being a double or even triple agent by British Foreign Office officials.

After his mysterious death on his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, off the Canary Islands in 1991, Robert Maxwell was buried in Jerusalem with high honors, with Israel’s prime minister and multiple current and former heads of Israeli intelligence services in attendance at the funeral.

That is pure hatred for the Jews right there – reporting such uncomfortable facts.

None of this really adds anything though, does it?

It was clear that Maxwell was being protected by intelligence. And it was already pretty well established that she and Epstein were both Mossad agents, getting blackmail on powerful people using underage sex.

The main question still remains:

Why was Epstein arrested for crimes he’d already been tried for?

I am not yet even aware of a theory as to why this happened.

From everything I’ve been able to gather, the arrest itself was illegal, due to the plea deal that Epstein had made with the feds in 2008.

He could have been murdered by anyone. Obviously, the Justice Department pretty much had to have been involved. But it was the Justice Department that illegally arrested him for crimes he’d already been tried for.

And this would be a very convoluted and nonsensical way to murder someone.

We also have the second important question:

What did the FBI do with all of the blackmail tapes that they claim to have seized from his safe, which presumably feature all kinds of powerful people having sex with underage girls?

I don’t really know where any of this can go from here. We can keep saying “Epstein didn’t kill himself,” but that doesn’t really say much, does it?

We appear to have completely hit a wall on actually exposing any of this.

The Mossad isn’t going to come out and confirm he was a spy, and even if they did, it wouldn’t really mean anything. Because the media would just say “yeah but what about Prince Andrew tho?”