Revolutionary Communist Party Leads ‘Abortion Rights Freedom Rides’ to 14 States

Ben Johnson
August 9, 2013



Numerous mainstream and left-leaning media outlets have highlighted the “Abortion Rights Freedom Rides,” a caravan of activists now traveling to 14 states to support “Abortion on demand and without apology.” However, no media outlet has reported that the event is being conducted by the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, a cult-like Maoist sect that calls for “millions of people to rise up in mass armed revolution” against the United States “when the time is right.”

The abortion freedom rides are being led by Stop Patriarchy, a front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCP). SP’s original “Call to Action” gives the RCP’s web address as its own and prominently quotes RCP founder and chairman Bob Avakian.

The new “freedom rides,” modeled after the civil rights campaign to register black voters in the segregated South, provide special support to states that have only one abortion facility.

Their banners proclaim, “Abortion Providers are Heroes.” Another said, “A Woman is Not the Life Support System for Her Uterus.”

This weekend, they are protesting in Wichita, Kansas, to back efforts to open a new abortion facility once owned by Dr. George Tiller, whom they call a “heroic abortion provider.”

Troy Newman of Operation Rescue said the group protested outside his offices on Friday. Their beliefs could hardly be further apart.

“Abortion is not tragic, because fetuses are not babies and abortion is not murder,” said leader Sunsara Taylor.

The freedom rides have been hailed by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC and formally endorsed by Janeane Garofalo, playwright Eve Ensler, leaders of the National Organization for Women (NOW), and abortionists like Willie Parker, Diane Derzis, and Merle Hoffman.

Taylor, fellow organizer Alex Petersburg, and a tiny core of activists are RCP members.

The RCP is anything but guarded in its belief that the U.S. government must be overthrown by force. At a feminist lecture Taylor led at New York University in 2010, a student asked fellow RCP member Annie Day if the group endorsed warfare and bloodshed. “Revolution is a serious business,” Day replied. “We are not pacifists. So to answer your question, yes.”

“The most mind-blowing part of this whole event was realizing that by ‘revolution’ they mean that they are willing to kill people,” he wrote.

During the 1992 L.A. riots following the Rodney King verdict, party members spray-painted graffiti in English and Spanish to fan the flames.

Their goal, then-National Spokesman Carl Dix told the L.A. Times, was “rallying people to wage mass militant struggle against the powers today in preparation for doing what’s really needed – and that’s leading millions of people to rise up in mass armed revolution when the time is right.”

Avakian called the conflagration “the most beautiful, the most heroic, and the most powerful action by masses of people in the U.S. for years and years.”

The party tried to inflame similar tensions after the Trayvon Martin verdict, attending rallies and calling for “revolution” and “struggle in the streets that must not be allowed to die down.”

Founded in 1975, the RCP emerged after a split within the ranks of Students for a Democratic Society in the late 1960s. It was marked by its devotion to Maoist communism, a cult of personality surrounding Avakian, and a belief in violence.

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