Richard Spencer Involved in Problematic Divorce Situation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2018

I don’t even want to talk about this, to be honest.

It’s none of my business.

But it is top news, so… here it is.

The Guardian:

The wife of the white nationalist Richard Spencer has accused him of emotional and physical abuse, including choking her, dragging her by her hair and attempting to punch her while she was pregnant, according to divorce filings in the Flathead county district court in Montana.

“One of [Spencer’s] favorite statements to me is, ‘The only language women understand is violence,’” Spencer’s wife Nina Koupriianova alleged in divorce filings. She claimed he called her “genetically defective” and a “parasite”, and that he verbally abused her in front of their young daughter.

“I’m famous and you are not! I’m important and you are not!” the white nationalist leader would sometimes tell her when he was angry, she claimed in the divorce filings.

The allegations in the divorce filings were first reported by Buzzfeed Newsafter multiple attempts by Spencer to keep them under seal.

Spencer called his wife’s allegations of abuse “a wild mischaracterization of who I am” and said he would not comment on her specific allegations. “I’m not going to be engaging with specifics,” he told the Guardian.

Spencer rose to prominence during Trump’s presidential campaign as a well-dressed, media-savvy white nationalist eager to explain to journalists why Trump’s presidential campaign was a political step forward for American neo-Nazis and members of the Ku Klux Klan.

That appears to be a gross mischaracterization, and something I do feel comfortable commenting on.

I don’t remember Spencer ever defending or explaining neo-Nazis or the KKK… until he did that thing in Michigan with Trad Worker Party.

That was obviously a gross move, but it’s something he’s acknowledged was a mistake.

Before that, he made a point not to associate with people in costumes.

He became internationally famous after shouting “Hail Trump! Hail our people!” and being greeted with Nazi salutes at a white nationalist event in November 2016, shortly after Trump was elected president.

Spencer and Koupriianova married in 2010 and have been living separately since July 2017, according to the filings. They have two young children.

In the divorce filings, his wife argued that Spencer’s abusive behavior, drinking and white nationalist political activism put their children at risk.

“Most if not all of [Spencer’s] public speaking events end in violence,” his wife noted.

Koupriianova, who has her own ties to the Russian far right, has previously defended Spencer and his views.

Spencer had been “misrepresented” by the “establishment media”, she wrote in 2016, in a plea for “free speech” and “being respectful” to differing views.

In divorce filings, she suggested that Spencer, a believer in “traditional marriage” and “traditional” gender roles, had sometimes failed to provide for his family and care for her and their children, as well as engaging in physical violence and verbally abusing her in front of their children.

Last year, after she returned from hospital after the birth of their second child, Spencer left her alone without any help to care for the newborn and their toddler daughter, his wife alleged.

During their marriage, the white nationalist leader sometimes told her to use her own savings to pay for groceries, saying that his money was “for the cause”, she alleged. He also regularly failed to pay water, internet, electricity and cellphone bills and failed to make healthcare payments, causing their health insurance to lapse three times, including once shortly before the birth of their second child.

In 2014, when she was pregnant with their first child, he held her down with his body weight and grabbed her by the neck and the jaw, leaving bruises, she alleged. In 2017, when she was nine months pregnant, he attempted to punch her in the face, she claimed.

After he was punched in the face in Washington DC on the day of Trump’s inauguration in 2016, Spencer left a loaded .38 pistol on the table in their bedroom in Montana, where it was easily accessible to their then two-year-old daughter, Koupriianova alleged. When his wife confronted him about the risk to their child, “he did not seem to adequately appreciate the danger”, she claimed.

She claimed he repeatedly told her to kill herself and asked if her parents would attend her funeral. Much of the abuse happened in front of their children, she alleged.

Spencer “has noticeably increased his alcohol intake in recent years, which contributes to his aggressive behavior and reduces his impulse control”, she said. During their video chats, he would sometimes be holding a bottle of liquor early in the afternoon, she claimed.

The older daughter, who was three years old this summer, has witnessed Spencer’s outbursts and heard his verbal abuse of his mother and her babysitter, whom Spencer called a “fucking sub-mediocre human being”, Koupriianova alleged.

In the filings, she describes the daughter as trying to intervene when Spencer berated her mother, including putting herself between her parents and trying to distract her father or ask him to stop, and said the little girl was suffering from “sleeplessness, nightmares and anxiety” as a result of witnessing the abuse.

So, there’s that.

Again: this isn’t any of my business. I’m not going to comment on the allegations.

What I will say is that it doesn’t matter if they’re true or not, because the way the American divorce court system works, she gets all the money either way – just based on claims of abuse.

So, it’s unfortunate.

Sadly, marriage just does not seem to work anymore.

It is notable that Spencer did not end up in legal problems for his activism, as most people on the far-right have, but will instead end up broke because of American divorce laws.


Here is Spencer’s full statement on the allegations, published on his tumblr:

Nina Kouprianova and I have known each other for close to ten years, and we have been married for over eight. We have brought two wonderful children into the world, something of which we are both immensely proud. We have published two books together, including one this fall, along with many other collaborative projects.

Since last summer, we have lived apart and are in the process of obtaining a divorce. Throughout 2016, I separated from her on three different occasions; we attempted reconciliation as many times. This past year, it became clear that our union simply could not continue.

This experience has been emotionally stressful for all involved. It is one reason why I have temporarily stepped away from full-time publishing and activism. Most importantly, it is stressful for our two children, who have done nothing wrong and are victimized by this becoming public.

Our divorce is also a private matter, and I made every effort to keep it that way. But now that it has been reported on by Buzzfeed (followed by countless other outlets), I can no longer stay silent.

I continue to respect Nina and value her as the mother of our children. I know that she loves both children and cares for them. She has, however, engaged in a combination of cherry-picking, inflating or distorting of facts, and, in some cases, gross mis-characterizations of me in her filing. Since 2016, she has been secretly recording our arguments, in hope of memorializing unkind, regrettable words that could be used to harm me in a situation like this. Needless to say, nasty things Nina has said and done throughout our marriage have been omitted.

It is not uncommon for accusations like the ones Nina has made to appear in a divorce proceeding, whether to secure custody of children or money, or simply to exact revenge. But to judge me as a man, husband, and father by these accusations — and not look at the entirety of our life together — is morally and factually wrong.

As this process goes on, I will talk about the truth. I will not, however, engage in any mud-slinging at the mother of my children.

After these alleged events occurred, Nina elected to continue in the marriage, have and raise children with me, publicly defend me, co-launch publishing projects, and more. As late as August of this past year, Nina pleaded in writing that I return to her and continue the marriage. At no point during our time living together did Nina seek recourse with the police, child protective services, or any governmental organization, to my knowledge. Indeed, it was I who called the police recently, when I visited my children (while Nina was away) and was harassed by a middle-aged baby-sitter (apparently in league with Nina), who was secretly recording my interactions with her.

It should be noted I have attempted to make this as seamless as possible for the children and Nina, giving them continuity with their living situation. Further, we celebrated holidays this past year together as a family. And I could go on. The suggestion that she was ever in a dangerous or abusive situation over the past decade is false. The man depicted in her filings simply isn’t me.

I have sought, and continue to seek, an amicable end to the marriage through mediation, and tried to focus on the two people who are most important, our children. My counsel has requested, multiple times, to have the divorce file sealed to avoid this exact situation. These motions were seconded by Nina’s representative, which leads me to believe that Nina did not want her filings made public and did not push them on the press. It’s also important to remember that Montana law does not consider political or cultural beliefs criteria for determining a parenting plan or what is in a child’s best interest.

I value Nina as a person and mother. Despite the end of our marriage, she and I will continue to work together as parents to do what is best for our children.

Secretly recorded conversations definitely make this double-extra bad for him.


Not as unfortunate as this though: